All Around Sydney -- South (1)

I will post a series of articles to practice English writting, the choosed topic is an introduction based on my exprience to those scenic spots around Sydney. The first part will show you several tourist arrtactions to the south of Sydney. The list includes:

RNP -- Royal National Park

Stanwell Top Lookout

The Sea Cliff Bridge to Wollongong

Light house and port emplacement, Nantien Temple in Wollongong

Cathedral Rocks, Kiama and its Blowhole

Seven Miles Beach

Nowra to Jevis Bay -- Huskisson

St. Georges Basin


Burrill Lake

Tabourie Lake

Pigeon House Mt

Batemans Bay

RNP – Royal National Park

On the trip to the south, the first scenic spot definitely you should not miss is the magnificent world heritage Royal National Park. It is the oldest national park in Australia and the world second oldest national park. (Established in 1879, after USA’s Yellowstone NP). With its convenient location and beautiful beaches and bushwalking trails, RNP has long become a weekend escape paradise for Sydneysiders. During The severe bushfire in early 2002, 97% of RNP was burnt. However, only 3 days after the bushfire, an elder couple in that region posted some pictures on their homepage showing green grass regrowing from the embers of the wild bushes. And just 1 week later, residential Eukalyput trees burst out new leaves.

Turn off from Princes Hwy to the scenic No.68 highway, the gate of Royal National Park is just few minutes away from the main road. Not far from the gate, located the park information centre. A copy of large scale topologic map and tourist information brochures are something must have to enjoy this great park and its many bushwalking trails in full. From a 1 hour easy ride along the Ladys’ Ride track to a 2-day bushwalking from Corronulla to Otford, you can find a broad range of activities in this national park.

There are several beaches in RNP, the best of them IMHO is the peaceful Wattamolla beach. I have been there several times, every time I enjoyed its beauty and its blessing peacefulness from the chaoes of the metropolitan Sydney. Also worthwhile recalling is my first tyre changing experience and my first encounter with a wallaby in the wild through my years in Australia.

Stanwell Top

Driving out of RNP, or turn off from Princes Freeway to Lawrence Hargrave DR, you will drive pass an Indian temple and see a road sign of Stanwell Top lookout, don’t miss it. It is the best lookout in NSW and the base of hang-gliding club. If lucky the wind is steady towards the cliffs, hang-gliding lovers will gather here to enjoy their awesome freestyle aviation. Lawrence Hargrave (1850-1915) is the pioneer of aviation in Australia, there is a memorial of his legend on the cliff top. Hang-gliding and parachute-gliding club members are practicing on the same spot of he once did. What else can be the best salute to our aviation pioneers? Another thing worth to mention is on the cliff edge, you can see a tag.

On weekends, motorcyclists may gather at Stanwell top too. You will see lots of shining Davidson-Halley, Honda, and etc.

BTW: a detail tourist map of this region can be downloaded from

Wollongong – Sea Cliff Bridge, Light House, Emplacement and Nantien Temple

From Stanwell Park, if you keep driving on Lawrence Hargrave Dr, and once you pass Coalcliff you will drive on top a bridge winding 665m long and 41m above sea level. This sinuously seductive bridge has acted as a tourist magnet since it opened last December. The name Sea Cliff Bridge was given by a year 6 local student Makenzie Russell. Her straightforward, no-nonsense name beat a host of more exotic alternatives. The reason the bridge keeps a safe distance from the cliff is to allow rock falls to be viewed rather than dodged. The former cliff-hugging road was permanently closed in 2003 due to constant rock falls. The very reason it was considered too dangerous during the Queen’s first Australia tour in 1957.

From Sea Cliff Bridge, you can drive along this tourist drive and go pass many local communities, most of them once are residences working at farms and mining industry. After the mine’s closure, the structure of local residence has been greatly changed. More and more retirees have moved into this multimillion dollar ocean view region. This move also brings a new push to the quality and life style in these communities.

I suggest you to choose rejoin Princes Freeway for a smooth drive to Wollongong by turning off Lawrence Hargrave Dr at Bulli. And there is a 14km long descending section before you reach Wollongong which could become slippy when raining. Keep safety in mind.

The tourist drawing light house in Wollongong is located at the cliff head of Flagstaff Point, nearby is a emplacement. From Falgstaff Point, driving along No.151 highway (Springhill Rd), before you reach Five Islands Rd, you will notice a typical Chinese temple sitting peacefully on a hillside. It is Nantien Temple, the largest Buddhism temple in southern semisphere. Worthwhile mentioning is that from a side street beside this temple, you can drive to the top of the hill and enjoy a magnificent panorama of Port Kembla. The fantastic view is so stunning, you will surely enjoy it.
