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Many of the body’s major systems may be used for both physical and spiritualactivity. For example, the seven major endocrine glands that secrete hormonesdirectly into the bloodstream to keep the body running optimally are also aphysical portion of the seven spiritual centers or chakras that can affectmajor changes in our vibrations and consciousness. The central nervous system,so vital to living in the three-dimensional world, is also a portion of thekundalini pathway that can raise our vibrations and help us perceive beyondthree dimensions.


Much of this was known in the sacred and often secret temple schools of ancientcultures around the world. For example, the staff carried by the god Mercury(also known as Hermes by the Greeks, Thoth by the Egyptians, and Enoch by theHebrews, and who Cayce said was an incarnation of “the Word”) remains today asthe emblem of modern medicine (the caduceus). But few really know its intendedmeaning. It is an excellent emblem for physical healing, but it also containsthe metaphysical structure of the body for spiritual flight, flight with themessenger of the gods, Mercury, into the heavens and the presence of the MostHigh God (see diagram on the front page).


An important but often forgotten teaching in several ancient temple schoolsdealt with the movement of the life force in the body. It was taught that whenthe life force flows downward and outward through the body’s structures, onebecomes fully incarnate and conscious in this world; when the life force flowsinward and upward through these same structures, then one moves beyond thisreality and becomes conscious of the heavens. If both flows are made tocirculate the life force, then integration occurs, and the person becomeswhole, both human and divine. Cayce and other sources teach that this isaccomplished by using the breath. The Taoist teacher Liu Hua-yang wrote: “Thereis a turn upward toward Heaven when the breath is drawn in. When the breathflows out, energy is directed towards the Earth. In two intervals one gathersSacred Energy.”


Edgar Cayce’s readings affirm these energy flows and encourage us to work atentering the temple within and raising the life force in order to draw closerto God and receive His/Her counsel and comfort, and ultimately to become onewith God. In the process, we are to channel that light and love into thisworld, into our lives and the lives of those we interact with each day. This,according to many spiritual teachers and schools, is the primary lesson to belearned in this incarnation: know and love God completely and channel thatlight and love into this life’s daily opportunities with others. Entering thetemple, raising the energy, enlivening the spiritual centers, and uniting withGod are not necessary to living a spiritual, loving life. But, if one wants toexperience the whole of God consciousness and eternal life, then one needs toraise the body’s vibrations and experience higher states of consciousness.Moses could not ascend the mountain and meet God face to face until he firstgave water to the seven maidens and raised the serpent off the desert floor --symbolic of enlivening the seven spiritual centers and raising the kundalinienergy.


Let’s explore the body’s secret structure and some of the techniques forfinding God within us and channeling the light and love into our lives.

