reading mat'ls

Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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Just finished this one:

It's a silly book but very enjoyable. Too bad this seems to be the only book that this writer ever wrote. I want sequels!

Am reading this at bed time:

Cover Image

Very sleep-inducing. Political stuff is tiring. Not funny enough. Yawn!

And finally a pat on the back for staying on top of the NYT's - yay!!

(btw, my face leaked today. tra----gi-ca----------------------l)

chic 发表评论于
never heard of Bill Maher - I'll check him out.

in the meantime, i do NOT think Franken is not fair/balanced. he's just too long-winded. we both know what/who is not fair/balanced.... *_*
托尼福 发表评论于
Al Frankin 的确是损了点,况且自吹是 fair and balanced ,好像有点那个,他的这本书上畅销榜,他的死对头 Bill O'Reilly 是功不可没的。不过作为comedian 嘛还是可以接受的,虽然俺是老右,但是他的节目偶还是常听的。一样是 leftie,偶推荐你 Bill Maher 的东东,损起来更到位,Yuppie 味道更重点。