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Why i said he is a really nice boyfriend. ^^ I wanted to write a lot about him. Due to the limited time that I could spent online, I would probably write about him  little by little day by day. (If there is 365 days in a year, I think I could easily come out with 1001 nice things to write about him in a year, haha!)

First of all, I would like to write why i think he is really a nice boyfriend.

1. He is a real gentleman. He has gentleman look. He is a handsome down to earth young smart guy. I melt whenever I see him. I still remember during the initial stage of our dates, when one of my friends learnt about it, he congrats me and said to me that he is a gentleman. Yes, indeed he is. Most of my friends said so too. And of course, his friends said the same as well. Hmm.. i think we both nice. haha. Well, whoever doesnt like my boyfriend will be degraded from my best friends list. Haha.

2. He respects me. He respects my decisions. He respects me as a girl. He said to me, "You are always free to date more guys while we are dating". I like it. But i never go out with other guys anymore who show intention wanted to go after me. Basically, i am now very loyal to him physically, emotionally and also mentally. He told me the same too. Funny ha.

3. He is a humble person. He fears God. He is willing to serve me. Once he even kneel down to help to tie up my shoes in front of my friends, which made me a little uncomfortable, becos I am kind of shy. I am shy of doing those intimate stuff in from of close friends. Well, he is quite open-minded. He gives me light kisses whenever appropriate. To me, it is really sweet. One of our most intimate moments is when we help tie up each other's scafts. Also, all his tie knot were tied by me beforehand, he intentionally wants me to. Kind of sweet. ^^

4. He listens. Whenever I am stressed, I tend to scold him. I will be unreasonably nasty and complaint about him. He will normally logically ask me why, only later he found out it does not work becos I simply cant think properly whenever I am angry. He listens whenever I start scolding..whenever I finished, he will then come to me and hug me. Everytime i do this, I see sparkle of tears in his eyes. (Thus my New Year resolution is I will never scold him anymore whenever I am stressed). He is just like a mirror. I see myself in this relationship. I used to think I am pretty gentle and nice. But I am wrong. I scolded him just like a tiger. Haha. My stress only come from work. Sometimes, when i didnt do much for work, he will still said to me, "You have done a great job! well done! keep going!" It really touched me. Whenever I am lazy and rest for a whole day, he will said the same to me, "Nice. You did well. I love to hear that you have good rest." His reaction really motivates me a lot.

5. He called me champagne girl. Whenever I feel bad, he taught me to say out loud "I'm champagne, you all shit!" haha. He made me feel I am on the top of the world. He is great. At this moment, i just want to shout out loud that, "Honey! You are great!!!!!!!!!"

6. He is a very kind-hearted young good looking chap. He used to actively involve in charity works and also serving in the ministry in church (wasnt sure now why he is not so but i will definitely remind myself to ask him later, could be due to the busyness from work). Everytime I told him a touching story, he would burst out in tears but he tried not to let me see. haha. My dad he himself is also a kind-hearted person, easily been touched by the sad stories from the TV. Therefore, I believe my boyfriend and my dad will be good friends once they met each other. hehe. Let the men do their own talking.. all about the politics, wars and the boring crickets etc..

7. He has strong faith in biblical study and have similar values with me. I always wanted a guy who is has strong faith in God. He obviously is. We both committed in Christ since we were teenagers. Thus, even though we came from far, with totally different family background, educational background, culture, but we are one in Jesus Christ. We have extremely similar value about life, about money, about relationship, about marriage, about family value etc etc.. We met in this romantic place that we both think it's God's arrangement.

8. He is willing to learn. He is now learning Chinese at the moment. He said he really likes to hear me talking/singing in Chinese, how he wish to be able to communicate with me in Chinese later. Well, he is very intelligent, he learns fast. He attends language classes and he scores As. His Chinese handwriting is very neat. When i said i want to keep those exam papers, he said that he doesnt care about the scores as long as he can finally communicate with me fluently. By the way, he shows keen interest in Chinese culture, which is good for me. hehe. I am very proud of him.

9. He is honest. He never lie to me. I told him if there is any truth (in the past) that he thinks might hurt me, it's better to just lie to me instead of telling me. I personally think that a white lie needs to be handled with wisdom and care, and it is understandable. Honesty is one of the key substance of marriage. And of course, I myself wont lie to him, in any circumstances.

10. He is a diligent person. He works hard and he is famous in his speciality. Again, I am proud of him. I will not hesitate to give him support in any form.

11. He said I am classy. I like it. He makes me feel indeed i am classy (maybe indeed i am). haha.

12. He is a polite guy. Well, polite means not rude, respectful.

13. He is open-minded yet conservative. Only after I knew him, I've learnt that it is not true to assume that all westerners are too open-minded in boy-girl relationship. Obviously he isnt, so are some of his friends. He has very good self-control in emotion. He respects girls, well to be more specific, he respects me as his girlfriend. haha. He has very high moral standards.

14. He is healthy. He loves sports. For example, he used to represent his country for swimming competitions. In other words, he is fit (fit over here doesnt mean he has those scary six-packs stuff, basically it means he is not fat). haha. A sexy thing about him is he is a bit hairy in between his chest, while he is in his swimming suit. kakaka.. When we first swam in the swimming pool, i'm all blush***** (never seen a creature like that before, haha.)

15. He is very gentle to me. Well, i'm a girl. Thus i am a bit girly sometimes (maybe a lot of times huh, haha) I love him treating me like a princess, talk to me softly, taking care of my emotional and physical needs carefully.

16. My boyfriend is a very forgiving person. He always forgive me readily. That is something very touching indeed. Everytime if I do something wrong, and I feel so bad. Then i will ask him "Do you still love me?" He will reply in a certain and very friendly tone, "Yes, sure." Then he gave me a bearly hug. Sometime, when i get stressed by my own work, and i start complaint (the funny thing is i dont complaint about the things that make me stressed, but i will turn up complaining about him, awww...) . Indeed, complaint hurts. It hurts a relationship. There are times when he have no clue why he was scolded by me, i personally think it is due to my physical monthly female stuff (PMS or sometimes maybe due to i get 'excited' during those days, probably) or due to not having enough rest becos of hard work each day. However, we both try our best to handle this kind of situation. I personally think it is a common thing about girls. Girls nag, dont they? I am always trying my best to improve myself. I love him, why i nag/scold him? Doesnt make sense isnt it? There is this book i found on the net called "Why men dont have a clue and women always need more shoes-the ultimate guide to the opposite sex." I really hope we can get over this stage and our relationship will once again be strenghtened. I just cant hide, i am always myself when i putter around with him. Today he tells me that he likes me being myself, but he does see this situation as a big issue. We both agree to pray on it. I definitely will. I will ask God to change me into a better person that suits him, and able to assist him in this relationship, if i am the one for him. The touching thing is..each time we fought, he would buy me chocolate afterwards :P

17. He is a responsible person. He takes up lots of important task in his workplace. He works hard. He excels in his speciality. I love seeing him succeed in his career. His success in career life gives him confidence which is something that i cannot give i think. I love to see him doing and paying attention on his work.

18. He is a bit messy in tidying up his house. Haha. funny. This is actually something that i cannot stand as i assume i myself am such a clean and tidy person. But actually, my room is not very neat whenever i am busy or rushing for a deadline. Thus, his so called 'organised' mess habit will make me feel more comfortable when he visited my house. siiii... this is my secret. haha.

19. He is more lay back. I'm much more nervous whenever there is something new going on. He is just too relax. He suits me becos his character will calm me down.

20. He likes music and he is also good in musical instruments. I'm also quite good in playing some musical instruments. I personally think that having these kind of hobbies is very important for one will have a better temper and enjoying life better. It's so much fun listening to music and the beautiful sounds of the world.

21. He listens to me, and he pampers me. He will try his best to fulfill all my request, whenever i ask. However, i am the kind which does not like to ask because i enjoy my own sense of independence. He makes me feel that i am very special to him.

22. He gives me lots of freedom. He said i can always date other guys during the time when we are dating (i said the same to him, but he said he will not, he doesnt have time to handle more than one girl, haha). It makes me mentally feel free to talk to any guys that i feel comfortable with. He said he doesnt get jealous easily when i flirt around other guys. However, when there was once this guy one of my best friend, intentionally flirt with me in front of him, i saw my boyfriend's face was all blush** . haha. see, all guys are the same. Of course, my boyfriend knew i am not serious with them. Everyone knows i am not a playgirl. ^^

23. He never scolds me. I ask him why. He said i wont scold you, wont hit you, wont hurt you, i dont want to. He makes me feel secure in him, i mean in his cuddle and embrace *_^

24. My boyfriend cares a lot about me. I am normally very cheerful and talkative. There is this time when we were singing together in the church with our friends, and i felt touched, my tears just dropped out from my eyes. I tried to hide that i'm actually crying becos it's a bit embarrasing. When the song finished, my boyfriend immediately asked me "Are you OK?" i am so surprised that he actually noticed this little things. He obviously cares about me a lot. What he did right after i nodded my head,  he quickly took my hand and hold it tightly on his lap till the end of Sunday service. I felt extremely touched. There was this unknown signal flows directly from his heart, 'encoded' into heat to his palm, and was then transferred to my palm, and finaly came to my heart and being 'decoded' - it's called LOVE. haha. What he did to me make me love him more each day. I love you too Honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for having me!!!!! :D

25. What now? haha. I think you guys might think that i'm here showing off. Haha. Well, yes and no. No, of course not, I'm not showing off. But yes, yes sure why not, he is such a nice guy that i'm indeed very very proud of him. So, I love him because he makes me happy and he makes me proud of him. That should be a good reason huh -> He makes me happy. :D

26. He is my mirror. I see my true self in him. I think I've changed to be a better person in him. I grow up in his tender care. I was very arrogant before and now i learn to submit to him. He changes my life.

27. He 'educates' (wasnt sure this is the right word to describe it) me. I learn a lot of western things/culture from him. He is such a patient guy when he describes and explains things to me. Once again, I melted.

28. He loves his family members. He respects his parents. He has close relationship with his siblings. As a guy (who doenst normally share feelings), he is able to communicate effectively and share his feelings with his mom, it indicates he has the ability to communicate with his future wife. All in all, he come from a happy and loving family background. This is very similar with me.

29. He likes travelling. This is quite important for me since I really enjoy travelling around the world. This is life. Having similar hobbies is definitely (not but crucial) an important factor in any relationships.

30. He is not workaholic, he doesnt chase after worldly stuff, though he might be a little of knowledge freak. haha.

31. He helps me to do the washing up everytime i cooked for him. When he cooks for me, he doesnt expect me to wash up since he knows i dont like washing up, but i love cooking.

32. He treats me like a princess whenever he dates me out. He serves me well. He makes me feel I am precious and fragile (need to be handled with care). haha.

33. One of the reasons that I like him is becos he likes me :D haha. He always said that I am such a cute little girl, jumping around always smile always happy that he doesnt believe i will get old even when i were 80 years old later. haha.

34. He is able to make my heart listens to him as i always believe he is much more cleverer than me. A guy who is less intelligent than me cant handle me.

35. He is different from me. This is also something that attracts me about him. He likes stuff that i dont like such as the boring news, politics, boy stuff, wii etc. He makes me feel my life is more balance/complete together with this guy, since he knows a lot of things that i dont know :P

36. I admire him. I will explain this later on when the time is appropriate. You guys got to wait for this romantic and important bits. heehee.

37. (This part is 18SX, children below 18 please skip this point please) He is a good kisser. Haha. It doesnt mean he is very 'experienced'. Just the way he kiss melt me. It makes me want to kiss more.. kaka.. Well, that is our uppermost limit already. kakaka.

38. We are young. We have very young hearts. We both are very energetic :D

39. He is very naive, just like the baby. I love his naiveness, maybe sometimes it will make him look a bit dumb huh. haha. (as he always try to convince me that he is a bit dumb with girls. haha.)

40. He is a good citizen. He follows rules and regulations. For example, he never intentionally break any traffic rules till now. That surprises me becos i was already a few times breaking the traffic rules, guess what? I love speeding. haha.. kakaka.. but i had never got any summon till now. haha.

41. In him, I feel how great God's love is. Seeing/Hearing so many divorces in marriages, I lost my confidence in wanting to enter marriage life honestly. I always ask myself "Isnt it true that all these couples love each other then only enter marriages? but then why they divorced after few years' time? Is it really true that the start of marriage = the end of love?" Thus, there is this time i asked my boyfriend "If one day..let say.. i met with an accident and i was paralysed, do you still love me?" "He said "yes, i will sure take care of you" While he said this, i notice tears in his eyes. We both cried..I am not sure, if i passed away earlier than the person i love, i really hope he can re-marry so that there will be other nice girl taking care of him for me. There is another time when i was working in the office, I felt a sharp pain on my breast, then i told him about it. I worried just in case i got breast cancer. Then i asked him if i got breast cancer, do you still love me? He said yes, but then i will call you "da" (big) instead of "da da" (means big big)..haha.. i faint. I really like him. haha..But sometimes, the world makes me lost my confidence about the unconditional love.

42. I like him becos he is very easy to mix around with. A lot of people said that he is a really nice friend. He doesnt like to involve in fighting stuff etc, and he never have past experience like that. It's much easier to deal with a friend who has a 'white' background. It's an add-on credit. ^^ However, it doesnt mean that i do not like to befriend with/looking down on people who had some past criminal experience, as long as he/she is repenting.

43. He accepted me as who i am. I feel free in front of him. I can say things that i like, i can behave babylish, i can do whatever i like, even if sometimes i am just nuts. haha. Even though he has seen all about me, he still loves me. This is extremely touching. I feel i dont deserve it, it reminds me of the grace of our God. God has shown His love through my boyfriend.

44. During some critical moments of mine, he is always there for me after i sent out my 'SOS' (emergency) signal. He respects my choice of music, for example, when i'm all stressed up, i will tend to listen to some punk music, he would enjoy listening to it together with me..  Besides, he also taught me some other ways of destressing.

45. Everyday he will spend at least 20 mins so called 'quality time' with me. This habit is applied after a trip, where we both lying in  our own beds and i read for him this book which was all about boy-girl relationship and dating stuff. He is not interested in those girly books, but he likes me to read it out for him so that he can learn and do better. It's really sweet.

46. Each day, he will also give me a 30 mins so called 'scolding time' for me to scold him for any of his wrongdoings that day. He said that i am not encouraged to scold him till the end of the day. haha. Well, in this case, he is kind of cunning becos normally at the end of the day, i'm all tired and forgotten everything that i wanted to scold about him. haha.. Basically this method is applied to overcome my bad habit of 'scolding'. This is also applied after one of our trip becos that trip is basically quite a stressful and challenging one.

47. He reports to me everyday. He will give me a ring everytime he arrived home safely after work. It's really sweet. However, to be honest i dont really want to chat over the phone with boyfriend for long hours even though i have broken records of chatting for many many hours before, but with my other friends. Well, telephone is for information transferring, not to waste too much time on that. It's not the best way of communication, i would still prefer face to face chatting with boyfriend, as we can always hug or kiss each other while chatting ^_*

48. He trusts me. Very simple, if he doesnt trust me, he would not let me help him to shave on his face. The funny thing is..after trying for about 30mins, i still havent successfully learnt shaving, i am too scared to accidentally hurt him by mistake. I simply took too long time trying to shave, while all the cream slowly dried up. And he is still there patiently thinking i'm almost done with the shaving..haha.. well, at the end, it's only about 1mm done, and only covered a small area of his left face... haha..haha..hahahaha.. damn ^^

49. He will good in bed (well, i think) becos he has a big nose. kakaka.. well, i shouldnt talk about the physical stuff i know.. but i cant admit his physical attraction is part of the reasons why i like him too ^^

50. He doesnt entertain nonsense emails/ un-important people. He protects himself well from all harms. This makes me worry less than other girls will try to seduce him if there is any chance..haha..

51. He is always aware of the cultural difference between us and he always try to learn when there is any gathering with my friends. He observes and learns.

52. He still loves me even if i raised up my voice when i am in difficult situation, he did not leave me alone. That is very touching.. I will not do that to him anymore in future..

53. He cares about my sleep. He always asked me if i am warm enough when i go to bed.

54. In this relationship, I feel I am always independent and at the same time i am dependent on him. That is something very sweet that i cannot explain in words. He doesnt control me at all. He is not a male-chauvinist.

55. He is a big sook. Sometimes he behaves like a little baby, haha..

more to come.. i've simply got too much to write about him.. All i wanted to do is to catch and write down the sweet memories of our initial stage of dating as i am a very forgetful person..haha.
