实际上也没什么办法。因为我们在待人接物方面还会犯错误。比如说,恋爱中的你会象一个傻瓜。如果你全身心地爱上一个人,那么现在你应该知道自己有多傻了吧。你知道你为什么会这样爱一个人还会受到伤害吗? 因为你一直很愚蠢!
不要让这些事情来烦恼自己。 不要对自己太苛刻了。没人能永远是聪明的。谁要是把你给涮了,早晚他/她也会有被涮的时候。
所以,随它去吧。明白了吗? 哈哈哈哈!
Are you stupid?!
None of us would consider him or herself a stupid person, but we all are , or have been stupid, some times, some where, some how.
We all think we are bright and smart about things we do or don't as well as people we trust or dislike. We won't realize how stupid we have been until somethimg comes up and wakes us up, Oh shit, how stupid I was, you say. Actually, you might just have been stupid since day one.
None of us would like to be stupid simply because it is a very stupid thing to do. But we all have our limit and blindness in our judgement. We'd like to think people and things the way we think they are, but the reality always hits us very hard.
So the problem really lies in our own judgement towards people and things.
What can we do about it?
Not very much actually, because we will make mistake about people and things again and again. For instance, If you are in love, you may act like a fool. If you heartfully have loved someone then you should know by now that how stupid you have been. Do you know why you are the one who got hurt from the relationship? Because you have been stupid.
Is there anything we can do to avoid being stupid?
My suggestion is to laugh at yourself, learn from your mistake, and move on.
Remember, no big deal. Nothing is more important than your healthy body and mind. We become smart and smarter because we have been stupid.
Yes, I have done some stupidest things in my life. However, looking back, I have to say although what I did was very stupid but that's part of my life. Nothing I can change back. As a matter of fact, I won't change back at all , actually it is very funny if you look at it with different mind set. I laugh at myself many times when I think about those stupid things that I have done in the past. Man, I was stupid!
Don't let those things upset you. Don't be too hard on yourself. No one can be smart forever. Whoever might have outsmarted you last time, will have his or her turn of being stupid sooner or later.
So, whatever, you know what I mean? hahahaha.