Eternal Love
相思 绵绵 入南柯,
With ongoing love-sickness, I fell into a fond dream,
亲人 远方 现如何?
How are you now that you live so far away?
佳肴 美食 皆无味,
All the delicious foods become tasteless,
唯盼 鹊桥 架银河.
Awaiting the
待到 白山 遍红叶,
When the colorful foliage covers the
共赏 燕舞 伴莺歌.
Lets together enjoy the swallows dancing and the orioles sing.
人生 如梦 今又是,
‘Life is just a dream’, it is true to me now,
清酒 拙诗 与谁和?
With whom can I share this pure wine and my immature poem?