City Diary

One day I asked my friend Jazzy: do you like Sex and the City?

Nope he said.

Why? I pressed on.

Four bitches. He shot back, conclusively.

What the $#&^*%^&?

You can’t discuss important matters with Jazzy sometimes. For one thing he can’t even count.

As we all know ; ) there ARE no four bitches in Sex and the City.

There are only two and a half bitches. The rest 1.5 are decent. : D

Okay, here’s a run down of the SATC women.

The top bitch is Charlotte (yes you heard me right!). I know she looks pretty and she’s kind of an art person (haha isn’t that funny). BUT she’s phony, pretentious and terminally selfish. All right so they are all somewhat self-centered but Charlotte is hands-down the queen on that aspect. And she’s so mean to her girlfriends. Remember what Bible said (fingers crossed behind my back ; )) - thou shall not commit mean acts toward your girlfriends?

Here comes the evidence.

Remember that season/episode when Charlotte found out that she’s “reproduction challenged” (read: barren)? Then Miranda got pregnant and Charlotte turned full blast on Miranda as if Miranda got herself knocked up for the sole purpose of upsetting her/Charlotte. Later she met Miranda on the street and she had the nerves pretending not see her/Miranda.

And there’s that other episode where Carrie was too hard up to pay the down payment for buying her apartment. And Charlotte was the only person who didn’t pitch in at the beginning. (Okay so she did gave Carrie her engagement ring later on but that’s an act of guilt so that doesn’t count.) All in all, I would NOT want to have Charlotte as my friend.

- TBC or not -