留学生活记趣 (7)

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送走了老婆,我终于又回到学校了。史丹教授一看到我,说我胖了。不胖那就太对不起我们的老板及师傅了。每天我会建议大师傅做啥。我能想到的几乎都可以吃到。 甚至还教他们做一些俺山东老家的面食。每天吃得不亦乐乎。史丹教授也发现我的英文会话也有了十足的进步。还觉得我挺幽默的。这都是哪一个暑假,跟美国客人,为了小费,使劲周旋而来的。我的大胆开口,加上手足舞蹈的表达,也结识了好多的客人。这些客人后来一进门,就要坐我的抬子。显然很快的我也成了餐馆的名角了。








一进入餐馆,就知道这是一家非常高级的馆子。见了谢老板,他看我一表人才,立刻要我尽快上班。我随即到百货店去买了一件像样的白衬衣及黑色的西裤。又买了一双黑皮鞋。投资近百元。从此我就利用周五晚,周六一天,重操就业,干起我的威特尔了。 没有车,我只有打的上工。星期五下工后,住老板给伙计们准备的宿舍。星期六下了工,揣着满口袋的现款小费再打的回府。

yijibang 发表评论于
I appreciate your comments. As matter of fact, your comment on time frame is questionable. After Mao took over China, there was about 7 years that people lived a good life and enjoyed the new China they had fought for. After 1956, they started a series of movements one after another. I believe most of the oversea Chinese went back to China prior to the first movement. What I mean to say is during 1970’s, especially after President Nixon’s visiting China, the mentality had subtle change among oversea Chinese. The change was due to a sudden recognition of China from US irrespective of their political purpose. You could hear a lot of things about China from public broadcasting. People started to be curious about China. We certainly got a lot of attention at that time. The attention we got certainly made us exciting. You may think we were naïve and ignorant, but it is a true reflection of the situation at that time. I always think the worse treatment to a human being is to “ignore” him. At least, after Nixon’s visit, we indeed got a lot attention from American public. Hope I have made myself clear. Thank you again for your response.
yijibang 发表评论于
Thank you very much for your comments.
HCC 发表评论于
And you are welcome for your response, although I am acutely aware of the time frame you are referring to: the same time frame when the Diaoyutai issue triggered a sensitive nerve, and when ROC lost her seat in the UN to the PRC. That was also the same era when the leftists and self-proclaimed liberals occupied schools and called Mao Tze-dong the savior of the Chinese people. Numerous leftist students dreaming of a better China left the US and went to the mainland. They had the chance to see the mainland in their own eyes, and then? Many of them will eventually realize the fallacies in the lies told by the CCP. They will also learn of the great starvation, the unspeakable tragedies during the cultural revolution, along with thought control in every corner of the mainland. They will then realize the danger in blindly entrusting a government with excess power.

I could only thank god that period has long gone, and that the following generations have come to realize the great foul that could occur as a result of blind faith and ultranationalism. It is sad to see that some others have not yet had the chance to wake from that passionate but tragic period of time, and learn that the grass is not necessarily greener on the other side.
yijibang 发表评论于
Thank you very much for your comments. I am afraid you have to roll back to 1972 time frame and live in this country at that time to appreciate what I am talking about.
HCC 发表评论于

I wasn't excited about Nixon's visit. He wanted to turn one communist country against two others, and he was successful. The US didn't have anything against China either. They had problems with the communist party that has been imprisoning and starving its own people in the false name of progress.

And, if you have waken from the propagandas of the KMT, how come you haven't had the good sense to wake from the propagandas of the CCP? Do you honestly believe that the CCP are lesser liars, or are you completely unaware of the greater atrocities it conducted?
yijibang 发表评论于

Please check the above website on President Nixon China trip in 1972.
龙鸟 发表评论于