观CNN主持人Wolf Blitzer采访David Duke

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时不时的看两眼CNN主持人Wolf 的节目,从中了解到不少时事新闻。不久前看了Wolf 采访David 。咋觉得有点点与往常不同。原来这David现如今大概是个反对犹太至上主义的积极分子。而Wolf 又是个支持犹太复国主义的主持(Zionist)。真可谓是棋逢对手阿。 暂且不提两派之间的恩怨,这次采访的确是高难度精彩表演。其一,两人均为高手 - 一个是CNN名牌主持,另一个则是前州议员又有博士头衔。这二,David 现不靠选民吃饭,回答问题也直来直去的多了。真真难得。


BLITZER: All right. I’m going to read to you what Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, has said and then you can respond if you agree of disagree with him. “Israel must be wiped off the map and, God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism.”

That’s what he said on October 28th, 2005, according to Al- Jazeera.

DUKE: All right, first off, that’s a complete misquote. He never said wipe off the map, and he was talking about the Zionist control of the United States. In fact, I heard his last speech, and I read articles all over the world where he said Israel will be wiped off the map.

He said Israel would have a change in government just as the Soviet Union changed. Obviously, the Russian people weren’t killed. Israel wasn’t wiped out, and this was to garner hatred against Iran to support the Holocaust and maybe the nuclear strike against Iran.


