
I’m so flattered that you think of me as your role model! However… I was laughing when I read it because… you are actually my role model! What a coincidence, huh? Actually, I think it’s God’s destiny for us! You are sooooooooo nice and caring! My goodness… when I was reading your emails… Whoa. Yup. Whoa. I wonder how you treat your enemies! (Though I doubt you have any!) Ohh… I also heard that you had a kitty too! Aww… Precious… What an adorable name for an adorable kitty! Yuki and Precious should have a play date sometime! What does Precious look like? Yuki is Calico (black, orange and white) and extremely feisty! She only let’s someone pet her if she feels like it, parades around with her tail straight up- as if she owns a palace and jumps on my homework everytime I open my binder! What a character, huh? Maybe next time you can tell me about Precious! I bet she’s just as cute! I LOVE kitties, don’t you? They’re just sooo CUTE! Cats are my favorite animals!

Thanks so much for praying for us! Wow… I wouldn’t be surprised if God brought you into my life as an angel in disguise! Maybe you don’t even realize He’s living in you, but there’s no doubt because you are just so SWEET!!! Geez… I should learn from you! Your mom must be so happy to have you as a daughter! GOSH, I ‘m so glad to have you as my friend! I feel so glad to have known such an amazing person in my lifetime. There’s only a few REALLY devoted Christians out there… and I actually met one! Woot! I actually accomplished something in life! By the way, I’m so jealous of your knowledge of Chinese. My goodness… I REALLY have a looooonnggg way to go! Hmm…. 爱 Hey look! I wrote something! Wooottt!!! Another accomplishment in life!

I am attending 10th grade , and am in the AWARENESS club (raise awareness about world issues), PULSE (school newspaper), KEN (school’s literary magazine), BASIC (Brothers and Sisters in Christ) and… that’s it! I volunteer at “Hospice” on Fridays, it’s like a large separate office building from a hospital. I think already, that says a lot about me! Oh! I LOVE romance! The weird thing is, I don’t want to get married because I don’t like guys (except as friends) and they have cooties. However, I want to adopt orphans from all different races to make a statement against racial discrimination and to teach the meaningless conflict of racism! I know it sounds absolutely insane, but I really believe in that idea, and intend to fulfill it! (as you can see I’m also very stubborn!)

You probably know I love to write! Though, I haven’t really had the time to as of late… stupid homework. Teachers can be so mean… Hm… I like philosophy too… I think I got it from my mom! My favorite song is “Morning Glow” by Mayuko Aoki. If you ever have the time, I can send it to you! Or I can make you a c.d.! My taste in music is weird though… I like slow and soft pop, classical, soft rock (maybe) and basically anything I dub as “pretty”. I’m very weird. Well, you can see what a strange person I am! And I love Disney movies and songs! My favorite Disney character is Mulan, because of her courage to stand up for her cause, to fight against all odds and even save china… all because she believed and did what she knew was right… though no one else thought so… SO NOBLE!! I admire her so much… My favorite non-Disney movie is Hotel Rwanda. If you’ve NEVER seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it! It’s about the conflict in Africa, not that long ago, between the Hutus and the Tutsi’s. One man stand in the middle, refusing to fight, and helps his ‘enemies’. This one man saved so many people./.. though had had been threatened so many times, stood and stared into the face of death, and made it through it all, even when not even the UN would help! This movie also really opened my eyes to the cruelty of indifference… They wouldn’t help them just because they were African! How cruel is that? It got me so angry at how heartless people can be… and I felt so helpless against it. But now I know I can do something about it… about the rain forest… the animals… the people of Afria, Asia, South America, the WORLD… because I have an unfaltering dream, and unfaltering heart…. and an unfaltering God. Which reminds me… my AIM sn is Unfalterindream. Sorry, that was soo random! Oh! And I have a passion for… food! Yup! I LOVE to eat! Though right now, I’m trying my best to be a vegetarian (though no one supports me and they all keep trying to sneak meat into everything!) because of this booklet my friend gave me about slaughter-houses. Trust me, you do NOT want to know what goes on in there! I just couldn’t take it, and so decided to make a statement agaisnt it by avoiding meat and dairy products. Though… it’s not going so well on account of my friends and my mom. It’s actually pretty funny! This one time, I was at my friend’s house and we were eating dinner. There was this dish that I thought was just egg, and I thought it was really good! However, then her grandmother goes, “Do you want anymore MEAT?” And I say, “No than… WHAT?!” Yup. It was actually pork IN the egg. See how smart I am? Yup. Genius.

Well… I guess all I can really do now is raise awareness, get signatures for my petitions, write letters and join campaigns. However, I know god will open doors and reveal opportunities. Like Toady (my 18-year-old “kindred spirit” guy friend) said, I just have to be patient and stay practical. He’s right, I have to stay calm… and practical. Great… I guess that rules out Plan A (To stop war, run in the middle of the 2 armies and refuse to move unless they sign a peace treaty). .. When I asked him if that was practical, he stared at me as if I grew two more heads. Men are so weird.

My mom and brother says hi! Tell your mommie and Precious I said hi! Till next time! I hope to hear from you soon! God bless you! I’ll DEFINITELY keep you guys in my prayers too!

Love E

阿西 发表评论于
你女儿太可爱了.真不知道你是怎么养出这么好的女儿的. 只是有一句让我有些心痛,我希望她以后会改变看法,不要对婚姻抱有远离的态度.


祝福你们吧. 你女儿文采出众人品也一流,我相信幸福一定会跟随她的,只要她不拒绝它 --- 我的看法婚姻是人生幸福的一部分啊, 希望她会有幸福的婚姻和自己亲爱的孩子.