落花飘零: There is a sad reality at workplaces that people pass around juicy gossips or baseless rumors about someone from person to person. Worse, much of information heard from “grapevine” could be from the scale of biased to completely untrue. Some people prefer to leverage those informal channels because they may be jealous or rancorous or bored, and at same time, they want to feel superior to or take control of something which may be missing in their live. So the best approach would be to ignore them and believe what you have been believed and do your best at work without being affected. Yes, you may not be able to stop gossips in your place, yet, you do have choice for not being pulled down to the abyss by hearsays. Looking at other side, how many gossipers do get ahead? Given time truth will prevail.
In retrospect, I think, you have made a lot of progresses since beginning your “voyage” of internship. It may be not as perfect as you’d wish but, you certainly can improve yourself with time. As long as you are not be a burn-out or drop-out or kick-out of your program you will be all right. As the matter of fact you have survived much of your first year, have you?
In case you‘d have cabin fever as snowy, sunless weather and confinement at work elongate you may try to get out sometimes to see a movie, or go shopping or do some fun activity with friends … anything but to park your car along at the icy river bank (:-
To cheer you up a bit I‘d like to rephrase a joke that I read before.
Three guys were about to be executed by a firing squad. However, they were told if anyone of them could surprise these men with rifles he would be free. The first guy thought a few second and shouted “Earthquake, Earthquake”. The firing squad panicked as a result this guy was let go because his wit. When it was second guy’s chance he roared “look, there comes a monster twister (tornado)!” Everyone was running for cover. The second guy succeeded and was also freed for his street-smart. The last guy believed that was so easy to get away so he yelled to firing squad “fire!”
the longer I have been in U.S., the more I felt that relationship in US is as same as in China. People fought for promotion, patent and whatever you named in company. When one went high, she or he would replace managers under her or him with her people.
I hated these kinds of things in China, but I had to deal with them in my work here. We do not have a choice, do we?
thinking this way, accepted whatever life gave to you, then you felt better.