
I dont know what to say... but sad.  My neighbor just saw me and waved at me, and walked acrosss street.  So, I stayed and then, say, what's up?  Larry.   Larry has tears in his eyes.  Whats happening?  Larry said, Justin killed himself!!!!  Oh, my God.  Justin is his only son who was 25 years old.   Justin killed himself 3 weeks ago. 

Words are uselesss, and meaningless.  I have to find something to say to him... or Larry , as bad as it is, nowadays, kids do not care about anything else, but themselves.   He is gone, now, he left behind his mom, and dad to live through their life with pain for good.  What a world!!!  

It is beyond me.  My neighbor is a good man.  He is neet and tidy.  Always see him work on his front yard or back yard.  And Larry is always willing to help when we are away.  But his marriage broke down 4 years ago.  His only son lived with him for a while.  But since the son likes to "smoke" which Larry hates, Larry kicked him out.  After that Justin bought a place for himself, and worked.... Guess, no goals in his life.   Purposeless.  The easiest way out is --  Die.  The problem is now,  Larry.  Larry is a good hard working Canadian.  He said, I understand things, but it still hurts.  Larry lost his nephew in the summer of 2006 to Cancer at age of 18.. 

My heart goes out to people like this.  I am feeling sad, and speechless. ....

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