
去年11月我们从美国一家5口搬到德国东部的一个城市,暂住两年。刚到感觉还不错,又赶上圣诞节,啤酒加面包,美滋滋的,憧憬着未来的两年。1月4号刚过完新年,我坐公车带着4岁的小女儿去接老大和老二,在还有两站就到他们学校的时候,上来查票的,我拿出票,给那个人看,他指着上面的一排数,说着一句不懂得德文,但意思明白了,我的月票3号作废,我跟他讲,上面的Dez6我以为是12月6号,在美国月的后面是日子呀。倒霉!疏忽,那时刚搬到美国就别扭了一段时间,我们中国是年月日,他们美国是月日年,现在德国是日月年,乱! 接着说,那个人管我要护照,我没带,他说要去警察局,我跟他说,我可不可以先接孩子,他说no先警察局,也跟他说不清,就去了。到了警察局,和他们还是说不清,有一个警察能说几句,他说要起诉我,因为我上车没交钱。我说不会这么严重吧,我又不是故意这样做,第一次打月票坐公车,每月要花110欧的月票钱,我为什么非要躲这么一两天让你们抓着,他说,那是你的事,我们还是要起诉你,这时已经过了接孩子的时间大概1个小时,,警察说我们带你去接孩子,然后再去你家看护照,这样我们就上了警车,今生头一次。小女儿的一句话把我给逗乐了,她说I don't want to go to jail.到了女儿的学校,找到站在寒风中等了我1个小时的女儿,眼泪再也忍不住了,从来没让孩子等过,为什么他们德国人(某些)如此的狠心...还不知将等待我的是什么?上法庭?坐牢?可笑又可恨!本人决定不再支持德国的公交了,我们有一辆车我早上送完孩子送老公,晚上接完孩子再接老公一点都不嫌麻烦, 我喜欢开车。谢谢各位倾听!

前路漫漫 发表评论于
Hi, i have experienced same as you. I bought a monthly ticket in Stuttgart and i did no understand the rule well and it was already 2 weeks over, i can use only another 2 weeks.
But i don't know it, and i took the bus and was caught.

Then of course i need to explain and i do not want to let me labelled as black bus taker.

I guess because i can speak German rather well and then they write done something and they left me. Actually i have not even understood whether i need to pay for the punishment or not.

The next two days i went to the bus office and want to pay for my fault at 40 Euro. And then i was told because it was the first time and i do have paide monthy for the whole month, they have seen the stample, so i was free of the punishment.

Actually i was very happy for this suprise. 40 Euro is quite a big burden for a studen.