| 中山大学美女教授欧阳洁跳楼自杀 年仅45岁(图)
以下内容来自中山大学管理学院网页 欧阳洁 教授/> 
Ms. Ouyang Jie (also known as Yang Jie) was born in November 1962. She is from Changsha in Hunan Province, China. After graduating from Capital University of Economics and Business (Beijing) as a graduate student in quantitative economics and acquiring a master’s degree in economics in 1986, she began teaching in many universities in P.R.C: 1986-1996, as a lecturer (1989) and associate professor (1994) in the Department of Management Science, National University of Defence Technology, P.R.C.; 1996-2001, as an associate professor and professor (1999) in the College of Management Science of Guangdong University of Technology, P.R.C. and from 2002 till present, she has been teaching as a professor in School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University.
During her teaching in National University of Defence Technology, as one of the students’ favorite teachers she also taught leading carders Strategy of Economic Development and acquired the honorable title of “excellent instructor in the education of principal carders”; also she was appraised as a “meritorious heroine” model of National University of Defence Technology; meanwhile she taught Quantitative Economics for PhD students of System Engineering. After teaching International Marketing, Decision-making Analysis for undergraduate and graduate students in Guangdong University of Technology, Miss Ouyang began teaching Decision-making Management and Decision-making Simulation for MBA, IMBA and MPM students in School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University. Professor Ouyang Jie is also the referee for PhD thesis in management from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanjing University, Jinan University and Beijing (Peking) University.
Her researches cover Corporate Management, Management Science and Science of Engineering whereas the main courses include Decision-making Management and Decision-making Analysis, Management Decision Support System, Human Resources Management. For many years she has made continuously research in management system against different background, especially government management, business management, human resources management system programming and evaluating, basis of Decision-making Analysis. Recently she has been providing effective policy evaluation and basis of Decision-making Analysis for the government and enterprises. Emphasizing on the syncretizing of different subjects and the practical application of theories, she accomplished the important soft scientific planning project for Guangdong Provincial Government and Guangzhou Municipal Government, P.R.C. and many other research tasks for a number of large or medium enterprises in China. She is well prepared in theory and experiments in the decision-making programming of corporate joint stock system reconstruction, management of corporate investment decision-making, decision-making of corporate strategic development, the practice of human resources management, marketing project planning, the set up and functioning of websites, etc.
Miss Ouyang had published more than 100 papers in academic periodicals and more than 10 books (including textbooks) in China and abroad. In 1995, she won the ministerial 1st excellent didactical prize awarded by the Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense; in 2003, she won the 1st prize of excellent innovation in business management modernization, Guangdong province, China; in 2004, she won the 2nd prize of innovation in Chinese business management modernization; in 2005, she won the silver prize of the 1st human resources management competition of China. The case study Human Resources Management of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Com. Ltd. she accomplished had been one of the most frequently read case on China Economic Net (http://www.ce.cn). As the decision-making management advisor of Guangdong Provincial Government, Guangzhou Municipal Government and Dongshan District Government, Guangzhou, currently she is also an expert for the reasoning of critical decision-making for the Development Research Centre of Guangdong Provincial Government, an expert for programming and reasoning of sustainable development project of Guangdong province and a decision-making management advisor and human resources management advisor of many enterprises.
2003年~2004年作为教练指导MBA和研究生参加“国际企业管理挑战赛(Global Management Challenge,简称GMC)”,所全程指导的中山大学管理学院“暴风雪”队2003年荣获第八届中国赛区GMC全国冠军,2004年荣获第二十一届全球赛区GMC世界冠军。2005年因研究GMC的学术著作的出版和发行,获GMC中国组委会颁发的“特殊贡献奖”,现有关GMC的三本学术著作不仅已被中国赛区和亚洲赛区作为指定培训教程,而且从2006年开始由GMC国际组委会推荐并认定为GMC大赛全球赛区的指定培训教程。
Professor Ouyang Jie was the supervisor of MBAs and postgraduates of School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University for the 2003~2004 GMC. She led the team ‘Blizzard’ to win the national champion in the Eighth GMC, China in 2003. And the team won the world champion award in the 21st GMC in 2004. In 2005, the GMC China Committee presented her a ‘Special Contribution Award’ for the publication and issuing of her academic works on GMC. The three works on GMC have been designated as training textbooks in China and Asian participating areas and they would be textbooks recommended by the International GMC Committee for GMC training throughout the world from the year 2006.
Main works:
International Marketing, chief editor and primary author (2 coauthors), published by Hong Kong World’s Celebrity Press, February 1998;
Human Resources Management, chief editor and secondary author (3 coauthors), published by Hong Kong Xinhua People’s Press, March, 2003;
Case Study of Scientific Human Resources Management of Successful Enterprises (volume I), primary author, published by Zhongshan University Press, April 2003;
Decision-making Management—Theory, Method, Skill and Application, sole author, published by Zhongshan University Press, July 2003;
Case Study on Scientific Human Resources Management of Successful Enterprises (volume II), primary author, published by Zhongshan University Press, November 2003;
Performance Assessment primary author, published by Tsinghua University Press, June, 2004;
Staff Training, primary author, published by Tsinghua University Press, June, 2004;
Effective Recruitment, primary author, published by Tsinghua University Press, June, 2004;
Manual for Human Quality Evaluating Practice, sole author, published by Guangdong Economy Publishing House, July, 2004;
Indispensables to Global Management Challenge, sole author, published by Guangdong Economy Publishing House, Oct, 2004;
Method of Market Prediction and Decision Analysis, sole author, published by Guangdong Economy Publishing House, Oct, 2004;
Valuable Book on the Management and Training of Company Staff, sole author, published by Guangdong Economy Publishing House, May, 2005.
Major projects:
In 1986, mainly participated in Studies on the Price Compensation Model of Chinese Employees’ Salary, a program of the Development Research Center of State Council P.R. China;
In 1987, independently completed MIS Benefit Evaluation of Zhuzhou Hardened Alloy Factory and the achievement of the program won Ministerial Significant Scientific Achievement Award;
In 1990, mainly participated in and completed The Formulating and Researching of ‘The strategic Planning of Social, Economical, and Technological Development of Dongting Lake Area, Hunan Province’ and the achievement whereof won Ministerial Significant Scientific Achievement Award;
In 1992, mainly participated in and completed The Formulating and Researching of ‘The strategic Planning of Social, Economical, and Technological Development of Lengshuijiang City, Hunan Province’;
In 1993, completed The Overall Planning for Share System Reform of Hengyang Steel Tube Factory as a second director;
In 1993, independently completed The Demonstration of the Economical Feasibility of Dayong Synthetic Board Factory’s Investment in 15 Thousand M3 Medium Density Fiber Board;
In 1998, mainly participated in and completed City Traffic System Engineering, a program of Department of Higher Education of Guangdong Province;
In 1999, independently completed Studies on Environment Evaluation and Predicting Model under Sustainable Development, a program of an important subject “Management Science and Engineering”;
In 2000, directed and completed Studies on the Supporting System of Environment Evaluation Method under Sustainable Development of Guangzhou, an important soft science program of Guangzhou Municipal Government which achievement was appraised as pioneering nationwide;
In 2000, directed and completed The Planning and Constructing of Guangdong Erbi Software Group’s Website; then was the Website Commissioner of Guangdong Erbi Software Group for 2 years;
In 2001, directed and completed (as the secondary director) a program of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd (GDPEDC)—The Analysis and Assessment of Job Positions in GDPEDC;
In 2001, directed and completed (as the secondary director) Studies on the Development Strategy of Guangdong Xinyuan Development Co., Ltd, a program of Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Telecommunication
In 2001, directed and completed (as the secondary director) Studies on the Competition and Marketing Strategy of Guangdong Mobil, a program of Guangzhou Ericsson Company;
In 2001, directed and completed Grey Prediction and Assessment of the Discharge Volume of Residential Water e Sewage in Guangzhou, a program of Guangzhou Municipal Government;
In 2002, independently completed Technological and Financial Demonstration of Formulation of China Ink-jet Cartridge’s National Standard, a program of Information Standardization Administration of China;
In 2002, directed and completed Studies on the Employees’ Performance Evaluation System of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd;
In 2002, directed and completed Demonstration of the wholly Optimization of Human Resources Management Information System, a program of Beijing IBM Co., Ltd;
In 2003, directed and completed Studies on the Standardized Management of Salary System of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd;
In 2003, directed and completed Studies on macro Input-output Performance Assessment and Monitoring System Model for Guangzhou Technology Improvement, a soft science program of Guangzhou Municipal Government;
In 2003, directed and led Studies on Evaluating and Predicting Method of coordinating Development of Guangzhou Environment and Economy under Sustainable Development, a soft science program of Guangzhou Municipal Government which achievement was appraised as advanced nationwide;
In 2003, directed and completed Studies on Recruiting and Training System of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd;
In 2004, directed and completed Studies on Integrated Operation Model of China Tobacco (Guangdong office)’s Strategic Restructuring;
In 2004, directed and completed Studies on building Corporate Culture of Guangdong Infrastructure Construction Company;
In 2005, directed and completed Studies on standardization of Management Regulations and Process of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd;
In 2006, directed Studies on Decision-making Support System for Coordinating, Sustainable Development of Guangdong Environment and Economy, a soft science program of Guangdong provincial Government;
In 2001, was the Decision-making Management Consultant for Zhuhai Consumable Materials Plant and Nanhai Electricity Bureau;
In 2002, was the Decision-making Management Consultant for Zhuhai Fangyuan Technology Development Co., Ltd;
In 2003, was the Decision-making Management Consultant for Guangzhou First Tobacco Company and Meizhou Tobacco Company;
In 2004, was the Decision-making Management Consultant of Guangdong Guanyue Highway & Bridge Co., Ltd and Southern Technology City Development Shareholdings Ltd;
In 2005, was the Decision-making Management Consultant of China Enterprises Evaluation Association, Guangdong Liwei Software Co., Ltd.
In 2006, was wasthe Decision-making Management Consultant of http://www.powerhr.com.cn/ and Guangdong Human Resources Management Association.