
Heavy snow with areas of blowing snow for a couple of weeks. High near 15F and low near -20F. Snow accumulation of 1 to 3 inches possible for each day. I can't imagine how people could survive in this area several thousand years ago.

In such a quiet university town which is covered by white snow, most people had fallen into sleep. I was the only one who was walking alone the way back to home. What I was feeling was quiet, in my mind and in my heart. When I was close to my apartment, a police stopped and would like to offer me a ride. I refused politely. The cop might think it is not safe for a girl walking alone in the midnight, he drove very slowly behind me and did not leave until I walked into my building -- a nice cop.

Took a bath and drunk a cup of hot milk, it is almost midnight. I might be the happiest person in the world when I opened a gift from a friend in this valentine's night. Sweet heart, what are you doing now? Share one of my favorite song with you --

Monday Morning.

Early one morning, one morning in Spring

To hear the birds whistle the nightingales sing

I met a fair maiden who sweetly did sing:

"I'm goin' to be married next Monday morning"

How old are you, my fair young maid?

Here in this valley, this valley so green

How old are you, my fair young maid?

"I'm going to be sixteen next Monday morning"

Well, sixteen years old, that's too young for to marry

So take my advice five years longer to tarry

For marriage brings troulbes and sorrows begin,

So put-off your wedding for Monday morning

You talk like mad man, a man with no skill

Five years I've been waiting against my own will

But now I'm determined to have my own way

And I'm going to be married next Monday morning

Next Monday morning the bells they will ring

My true love will buy me a gay golden ring

Also he'll buy me a new pretty grown

To wear at my wedding next Monday morning

Next Monday night when I go to my bed

And I turn round to the man that I've wed

Around his middle my two arms I will fling

And I wish to my soul it was Monday mornin
