根据“The Works of Josephus”这本书的记载,犹太教有三个派别:the Pharisees, the Sadducees,and the Essenes. the Pharisees 法利赛派在当时不是小派,已经很有影响力”And so great is their influence with the masses that even when they speak against a king or a high priest, they immediately gain credence.” ”Jewish Antiquities”XIII,288(x,5) “They believe that souls have power to survive death and that there are rewards and punishments under the earth for those who have led lived of virtue or while the good souls receive an easy passage to a new life” ”Jewish Antiquities”XVII,14(i,3)个人认为教会灵魂不死的概念大概是从这里继承而来的.”[They] attribute everything to Fate and to God; they hold that to act rightly or otherwise rests,indeed, for the most part with men, but that in each action Fate cooperates.”(Jewish War II,162,163).法利赛派不但误导当时的犹太人,而且还继续误导现在教会里的人.所以四部福音到处可见对法利赛的自以为义,轻视别人的说法.路加福音18:9-14,11:41-44。马太福音23:23。最让我觉得有意思的是法利赛对安息日的说法,见马太福音12:2。门徒在安息日饿了,摘麦穗吃被法利赛认为做了不应该做的事情。使徒的行为被认为是触犯了两项罪名:收割和打榖。(见参考资料)如果你有机会结识信犹太教的犹太人,他们即使现在还大多在安息日还不许做这,不许做那的,立了很多规矩,早就偏离了安息日原本的意思。另外保罗就原本是法利赛的,如果他当初接受法利赛派的思想灌输是正确的,根本就不会杀害司提反,耶稣更用不着对他说保罗迫害他,因为此前保罗一直是执著的法利赛派分子。如果你对法利赛有更深入的了解,你不会觉得耶稣说的过分。因为他们本来应该担负着指引民众正确的认识上帝,就象牧羊人指引羊群,但是他们先偏离了上帝的道路,也就在所难免地把羊群引导到阴沟里去。