前晚连着做了几个血淋淋的恶梦,梦中我的若干亲人纷纷受伤痛哭,其中有阿小T的手断掉,他举着一团血肉模糊向我走来哭得没有了声音,我在梦里当即晕了过去,而在现实中难过惊悸到乍醒,醒来便止不住地头疼干呕。次日起床,我对孩子们格外温柔,拉着阿小T的小胖手反复欣赏它的完美无缺玲珑剔透。送他们去学校的路上,我一边开车一边回头给孩子递牛奶,不慎撞了车,还好大人小孩没有受伤。到了学校,临走,蹲下身,紧紧抱着他们说,play safe, my babies, mom will be right back。
阿小名 发表评论于
stillthere 发表评论于
"No Name" actually meant famous to me; In terms of shopping, No Name is my very favourate brand name (always yellow packages) in Canada's SuperStore; hehehe...
stillthere 发表评论于
Changing back to the original blog name is a good idea as I for some reason did not like Lixiang Zhidu and lost the interest to read it for a while.