Ich bin nur dein

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Feng Dan

Wies dem auch sei

Ich bin nur dein

Komme was wolle

Regen order Sonnenschein

Feb 14. 2007

flysnow68 发表评论于
圆缘不断 发表评论于
不好意思,我真的是不学无术...我的德文还是因为工作需要而自学的...见不得人,当小丑是够格了,嘻嘻. 我这是乱翻...哈.
枫丹白露 发表评论于
圆缘不断 发表评论于
My German is definitely very rusty! Here's a rough translation of what I guess it means with the help of my German dictionary, but I could be completely wrong :p (I'm making a fool of myself, but hey, I hope it's entertaining!)

The wisdoms that may also be
I'm only yours
Come what may
Rain or shine
枫丹白露 发表评论于

这不,又给你抬轿吹喇叭了,想必还是那首“天边”情曲的煽情效应 :))
北鹤 发表评论于
本想翻译一下的, 后来想想, 还是别捣乱了