Teaching English while working on my Ph.D study ,我掏出了学生证。那是一所众所周知的学校,她满意地点点了头。但是听力和口语对于同声翻译者,是致关重要的。一旦第一学期的同声传译技巧课,不能顺利通过。后来的法律和医疗体系课程就无法顺利转渡。。。。临走时她又补了句警告。
再挑你一个小毛病,别急:"out of my habit?" 还不到施展灵活运用你自己的习惯英语用词时候!你说话而是要看英文读者们能否听懂你表达什么。不可否认得,不同地区有自己的Local language,确不是your habit .
醉清风. 发表评论于
BLUE M上外毕业,现为一名CHARTED ACCOUNTANT,是我一位笔友兼好友.如果您说BLUE M英文中式话.那简直是不可思议的话.
eeoo 发表评论于
喂BlueM 你的英文更臭,中式英文,回家练练再来讲话。告诉你打错字经常事,少来这套。
Blue Monkey 发表评论于
Very interesting experience of Paleink, it appears that you are entering a very challenging profession. Good luck!
By the way, I don't agree with "eeoo"'s comments.
Quite often I hear native English speakers saying "The informaiton you request we don't have it in our file" or "This sentence you wrote I don't understand". Really it is just a common way in spoken English.
Rather, "eeoo", I think you need to watch your spelling a little bit. Using "Changes are" instead of "Chances are" is simply pathetic. This is what our school teachers call an "elementary education".
"I have no idea whether such chance will be around in ShangHi or not, And extremely sorry, the man you mentioned I don't know,either. I have been away from China so long."
Changes are, it probably won't be around in shanghai. I apologize, but I don't know the man you just mentioned either. I have been away from China too long.
I have no idea whether such chance will be round in Shanghai or not. And extremely sorry, the man you mentioned I don’t know, either. I have been away from China so long.
As we know there has been a continuous growth of the number of newly-arrived immigrants from China these years. In the movement to work and live abroad, however, the initial problem of intercultural communication barriers is, perhaps, encountered by the majority of Chinese.
It in turn gives the drive for the interpreters to help them sort out the difficulties they face with.
So it is the project’s focus
2lovemusic 发表评论于
Did this 同声传译 interview happen in Shanghai by any chance? I know a very good simultaneous Interpretater 杜蕴德(Andrew Dawrrant, from Canada) who is currently working in 上外. Have you ever heard of him? Thank you.