为了讨好婆婆,俺在网上搜索下载婆婆爱听的家乡戏剧,结果在 GOOGLE 给的一个链接上中毒,电脑突然间整个瘫痪!在俺手忙脚乱断掉 INTERNET 链接前的一分钟里已经自动下载了 5 百多个莫名其妙的文件,连机子都重启不了~~~ 呜呜呜呜~~~这已经是俺家唯一一台可以正常上网的电脑了。老公曾多次声严色厉地警告俺不要用这台电脑去登录一些不知名的网站,俺也一直循规蹈矩唯唯诺诺(因为其他两台都曾经中毒至今还是半身不遂,也都是俺这个电脑白痴惹的祸)~~可就在昨晚,俺居然又一次重蹈覆辙!所谓孰可忍孰不可忍。忐忑不安地想,不知道老公这回还能再忍一次吗?
赶紧和婆婆商量对策。可怜的婆婆吓得脸如土色,她的想像更是天马行空,什么电脑里原来的文件是不是都不能用了老公有时在家上班保存的公司文件是不是也不见了等等等等。俺故作镇静地安慰她,后果没有那么严重,顶多就是以后不能上网。可是俺在家不上网不打紧,老公隔三差五就得 ON CALL 加班 , 不能上网那还不得要了他的命?!
老公经过 3 个小时路上的折腾终于风尘仆仆到家了。俺无限体贴地帮他除下了外套并用前所未有的温柔嘘寒问暖:“老公,您辛苦啦!肚子饿了吧?赶紧来吃饭~~”而婆婆也很有默契地马上到厨房为他热菜热汤。老公有点受宠若惊,满足地坐到饭桌前开始狼吞虎咽。我和婆婆坐在他身旁陪吃,不时交换一下暧昧的眼色,直到看着他把最后一颗饭粒咽下肚里时,俺这才笑咪咪地说:“老公,圣经上告诉我们,不可轻易发怒,对不对?想当初你重新 FORMAT 那台旧电脑的时候不小心把俺所有的相片都给删除了,俺心痛得掉了一夜眼泪,不过俺还是连吱都没有吱你一声,是不是?”
Enter F8 safe mode which has the least usage on system resources. You should be able to fix something there.
Find and Remove suspecious executables if they show up in Add/Remove program in Control Panel.
You might be able to remove some of the bad file and clean up in system Registry (regedit command to enter), but you need to be sure of what you are doing. I hesitate to suggest you to do unless ....
shengli 发表评论于
First of all, you must have Symantec, Mcafee or Norton AntiVirus software installed, and update its virus definition files regularly, schedule your computer to auto-scan your system at least once a week. Some Chinese website can be very malicious, they install cookies and spyware into your computer and possibly steal your personal and financial information. I suggest you to install Ad-Aware and run it peridically:
Go to http://www.download.com/3000-2144-10045910.html
Download Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition 1.06, make sure you are downloading this file: aawsepersonal.exe,
run to install it,
Follow this:
1. Start Ad-Aware.
2. Click "Check for Updates", "Connect" and download the latest pattern definition file. and click Finish
3. Click "Start", "Next"
Step 4 can take 30 minutes to finish, so let it run, and you do something else.
4. After the scan is finished, click "Critical" tab,
5. Select all the items (checkboxes) Right click on any object in the "Scan result" list and choose [Select all objects]
6. Click Next and click OK to confirm removal.
Step 6 can take up to 30 minutes, let it run. Sometimes it can be very fast. It depends.
Mcafee also has Internet protection feature, it is a good package, it was once free after rebates at last Thanksgiving day!