SHE IS ASLEEP She is asleep--- In the starlight inclines a white lily, She is in dreamland, Above the censer arise threads of emerald mist hazily. She is soundly sleeping--- Streams in the valley curb the clamorous strings, She enters the slumberland--- Pink butterfly, virid butterfly, and ecstasy flings. … Wrists of jade and shuttles of gold, Weaving and threading of intricacy, to and for in a trance Miraculously transforms into iridescent glow, Heaven’s gate, angelic song and dance. Winsome dimples, Interprets the rapture of virgin’s reverie, Like a dew, Quivering, on a lotus leaf, glistens with morning glory .
她是睡着了-- 星光下一朵斜依的白莲; 她入梦境了-- 香炉里袅起一缕碧螺烟.
她是睡熟了-- 涧泉幽抑了喧响的琴弦; 她在梦乡了-- 粉蝶儿,翠蝶儿,翻飞的欢恋. 停匀的呼吸, 清苍渗透了她的周遭的清氛; 有福的清氛, 怀抱着,抚摸着,她纤纤的身形! 奢侈的光阴! 静,沙沙的尽是闪亮的黄金, 平铺着无垠, 波鳞间轻漾着光艳的小艇. 醉心的光景, 给我披一件彩衣,缀一坛芳醴, 折一枝藤花, 舞,在葡萄丛中,颠倒,昏迷.
看呀,美丽! 三春的颜色移上了她的香肌, 是玫瑰,是月季, 是朝阳里的水仙,鲜研,芳菲! 梦底的幽秘, 挑逗着她的心--纯洁的灵魂-- 像一只蜂儿, 在花心恣意的唐突--温存.
童真的梦境! 静默,休教惊断了梦神的殷勤; 抽一丝金络, 抽一丝银络,抽一丝晚霞的紫曛; 玉腕与金梭, 织嫌似的精审,更番的穿度-- 化生了彩霞, 神阙,安琪儿的歌,安琪儿的舞. 可爱的梨涡, 解释了处女的梦境的欢喜, 像一颗露珠, 颤动的,在荷盘中闪耀着晨曦!