

catapult, arresting gear, special steel deck - Deyang 2nd heavy limited - I think this is the website for one of the subsidiary of this company?


This place is somewhere in Szechuan

fully delivered or party delivered already

舰体------------沪东中华集团 长兴岛(未知)

ship hull - Hudong Zhonghua in Changxin (no confirmation)

舰用轴承--------哈尔滨轴承集团 (已交付)

Ship bearing - Harbin Bearing Limited (already delivered)

This is their website http://www.bearinghrb.com/

锅炉配件--------哈尔滨锅炉厂 (已交付)

Boiler accessories - Harbin Boiler factory (already delivered)

website http://www.hbc.com.cn/

特种舰艇板材----鞍山钢铁、宝山钢铁 (已交付)

special ship plate - Anshan steel http://www.ceie.com.cn/ (delivered)

Baoshan steel - http://www.baosteel.com

舰载机----------601所 (在研)

naval fighter - SAC (in development)

舰艇设计--------中船重工701所 (技术冻结或已定型)

Ship design - CSIC 701 institute (finalized design)

配套舰船--------江南重工、沪东中华 长兴岛 、大连重工、黄埔造船(已开工)

escorts .... you guys know

配套核潜艇------葫芦岛厂、江南重工 长兴岛 (已开工或准备开工)

submarines - you guys also know

辅助舰----------沪东中华 长兴岛 、黄埔造船、广船(已开工)

replenishment ship - 886/887

训练舰----------大连重工 (已开工)

training ship - Dalian - Varyag


carrier related projects

中央02工程 ,又称国家重大工程、国家02工程,即航母训练舰,据说工程节点要求保证09年服役。


called the national 02 project, for training carrier, apparently the project requires to be in fleet by 2009. The link says nothing, except planned expansion of Dalian.

048工程 即2004年8月批准,这个代号有可能是指整个国产航母工程包括其配套的子工程,也有可能仅指国产航母工程 。

project 048, approved in August of 04, could be talking about the entire carrier project including the escorts and such or just the carrier project

http://www.chinamil.com.cn/site1 ... /content_497657.htm

609工程 可能指国产舰载机工程,歼11舰载型,设计参考了SU33,据称已被新代号取代,具体未知。

609 project, possibly the naval fighter project, based on J-11, studying from su-33




2 possibly plans:

A - 48000 tonne standard load, 60000 tonne full load, conventional powered, with catapult, about 50 fixed, rotary

B - same except for nuclear powered


more rumours

1、9985工程,即中央99年批准的航母工程,计划04年下水,后未名原因被下马,该方案为标排3万吨、 满排约4.5万吨,常规动力,弹射起飞。

project 9985, approved in 99 to be launched by 04, but got canned for some reason.


just project 048, studying a carrier model?
