Free Teddy Bear

Last night after dinner, Michelle, my five-year old took out some paper and markers and started to do some art work. Several minutes later she came to show me her "masterpiece", I paid her my compliments, she walked away happily, returned several minutes later with more addition to her art work. A black line was added across the paper to divide her art work in two sections, the bottom section had a drawing of a teddy bear and word "FREE". I was puzzled and asked her what it was about. Instead of answering me, she walked over to my LG who had his eyes glued on TV, "Daddy", she said, "Do you want to buy my art work? If you do, you get a free stuffed teddy bear." My LG turned his attention away from TV ever so fast,  answered "Sure, sweetie". With the lightlingly speed, LG's wallet was out and a dollar bill was neatly folded and tugged into my daughter's new purple wallet. Michelle then ran upstairs proudly, returned with her pink teddy bear to her Daddy. With a big grin and pride on his face, LG said to me "we must have something right with her." Me, who witnessed the whole thing speechlessly,  was in awe: not only by my daughter's entrepreneurship, but her honesty and sense of fairness.
