BABBO 的主菜,不管点什么,未曾让饕哥失望过。但最让饕哥称道的特餐 (special) 是Sauteed Skate and Rock Shrimp。Skate 这种鱼,宽翅长尾,形状虽怪异,肉质却鲜美异常。饕哥曾查过词典,中文称此鱼为“鳐”。饕哥在海边有座 度假屋,夏秋之际, 常在海边用蚌肉钓Blue Fish 和Stripe Bass. 不请自来的常常就是Skate.小者二,三磅,大者六,七磅。当年饕哥曾在法国餐馆见识过Skate,因此初钓得此鱼时未被惊扰。Skate的两翅十分肥硕,食者取其两翅而烹之。邻人有经过者,最初见饕哥在沙滩上收拾此鱼,莫不惊异。饕哥免不得要讲讲红烧或清蒸之法。BABBO这道菜也是饕哥忽悠的内容之一。众邻听罢中餐的做法,多已觉得饕哥不得了,又听到BABBO有这道菜而自己却不知,身为见多识广的纽约客,这是多么扫兴的事!于是呼,羞耷耷者有之,讪讪然者有之。更有那原本略怀讥讽之意的,此刻恨不得马上换上游泳衣了。
I have been looking and looking for your posts in WXC for couple days since we booked a two-day trip to NYC to enjoy some good food for my husband's B-day. Finally, I found your blog, yeppee! If I could not find your articles, our trip would became a lost! Thanks so much for your articles!!!
We thought we are foodies. After reading your blog, I think we are just beginners :-)
饕嫂 发表评论于
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Our recent visits to Telepan were a bit disappointing, but their Sunday brunch menu is pretty interesting. We have been to Blue Hill twice and enjoyed their food. We would love to have dinner or brunch at Blue Hill Stone Barns one day. BTW, if you haven't tried Del Posto, we highly recommend it.
木兰木兰 发表评论于
Babbo is indeed always consistant and innovative.
It's the only place I wouldn't mind sitting and eatting at the bar when having no reservation. I once saw Batali came out of the kitchen wearing those fluffy orange slippers.
Liked your food choices be it high-end or mid-blow.
Since you liked Telepan, I am thinking you might also like Blue Hill... Spring is arriving, enjoy our city:)
饕哥 发表评论于
It is not a high risk to try this one. I haven't met anyone who regrets dining at this restaurant. Please share your experiences with us once you try.
饕哥 发表评论于
Thank you for the comments. Please share with us your fine Italian dining experiences.