The New South Wales (NSW) health system
NSW Health provides public sector health services and is made up of eight Area Health Services. These Health Services provide a comprehensive range of health and health-related services through a mixture of inpatient, outpatient and community-based services covering health protection, health promotion and education, health screening, diagnosis, treatment, transport, acute care, rehabilitation, continuing care for chronic illness, counselling, support and palliative care.
NSW Public Radiation Oncology Treatment Centres (ROTCs) Area Health Service ROTC Sydney South West Sydney South West Cancer Service (Liverpool Cancer Treatment Centre and Macarthur Cancer Treatment Centre) Hunter New England Newcastle Mater Misericordiae Hospital South East Sydney / Illawarra Illawarra Cancer Care Centre Prince of Wales Hospital St George Hospital St Vincent’s Hospital Northern Sydney / Central Coast Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney South West Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney West Nepean Cancer Care Centre Westmead Hospital