O light the candle, John
The daylight has almost gone
The birds have sung their last
The bells call all to mass
Sit here by my side
For the night is very long
There's something I must tell
Before I pass along
I joined the brotherhood
My books were all to me
I scribed the words of God
And much of history
Many a year was I
Perched out upon the sea
The waves would wash my tears
The wind, my memory
I'd hear the ocean breathe
Exhale upon the shore
I knew the tempest's blood
Its wrath I would endure
And so the years went by
Within my rocky cell
With only a mouse or bird
My friend; I loved them well
And so it came to pass
I'd come here to Romani
And many a year it took
Till I arrived here with thee
On dusty roads I walked
And over mountains high
Through rivers running deep
Beneath the endless sky
Beneath these jasmine flowers
Amidst these cypress trees
I give you now my books
And all their mysteries
Now take the hourglass
And turn it one its head
For when the sands are still
'Tis then you'll find me dead
O light the candle, John
The daylight has almost gone
The birds have sung their last
The bells call all to mass
这首歌是《The Celtic Circle》这张CD中拿出来的,我那个很牛的音乐专家推荐的。这首歌,是这个有名的女歌唱家,叫Loreena Mckennitt. 这首同时也是她的叫做《神秘的书》 里面的.
此碟的分类非常广泛,属于NEW AGE,CELTIC,FOLK,并且融合了意大利语,西班牙语等多种元素。而现代的音乐之所以给人不同的感受和好听享受,就是因为他们会充分的融合不同的元素。 此碟,结合了凯尔特的悠扬,新世纪音乐的绚丽,民族音乐的质朴,揉捏出来了一张极其浓郁的感情色彩的女声吟唱音乐专辑。特别是,乐者平缓的心态,多年旅游的经历,创造性的添加了诗词风格于其中,更加重了本碟作品的优雅,温和和美丽。从总体音乐欣赏角度而言,非常类似Jennifer Warnes的THE HUNTER,但是相对感情更加细腻和多变,是在是一张不可多得的欣赏专辑!"
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