For the sake of your appetite, I hided this post and you can still see it? That's because the wxc function of "hiding a post" is not working. 跟孔庆祥(William Kung)有一拚!听了一定要笑出声哦!
听不到,什么处女唱能让人想起My Best Friend's Wedding,很好奇,那可是我喜欢的电影之一呢。
那糊涂有望成为WXC的William Hung了?:))
阿咫 发表评论于
40hutu 发表评论于
Now this proves "文学城潜规则" 第七条.I already hided this post last night, but sounds like it's still open to all wxc audience. Even if I log off wxc, I can still access this post! 哼哼!!
flamenco_girl 发表评论于
It reminds me the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding ".