




自然界是一个孤寂而不寂寞的世界:一只小鸟在枝头自言自语;一对鸳鸯悠闲地顺流而下。 四周是孤寂的,但生命各自默默地繁衍生息。




爱迪生说过,“最好的思想出自孤寂。最糟的思想出自乱世。”( "The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil."






所以,孤寂不仅仅是思想的窝Solitude is the nest of thought,还是思想的燕窝(Solitude is the bird’s nest of thoughts)。


mingyanzi 发表评论于
right, it's very necessary from time to time to escape into your own solitude to hatch up some ideas
melly 发表评论于
Solitude is a way to talk with yourself. We do need it to inspect our spirit. However, we as human beings need to communicate with each other too. Do not exclusively talk to yourself.hehe..

Loniness is very subjective. People may feel lonely even when they are with their friends and family. Whenever one stops complaining loneliness, one may learn to enjoy solitude.
温哥华失眠夜 发表评论于
Thanks Melly for your unreserved support. This is some rough thoughts that need further polishing. Indeed solitude could be enjoyed. As a matter of fact, I am enjoying it right now,with a black coffee to keep myself from falling into a coma!
melly 发表评论于
Again, I am the first one to read your essay.

I love this statement. 在孤寂中,人可以与自己的灵魂对话。在寂寞中,人容易被自己的欲望支配。从寂寞到孤寂,是一个质的飞跃,是一种心境的升华。Sounds solitude is very nutritious.I am gonna take it. hehe..
