Man's View of Woman

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Women: Scientifically Explained
For years, female-kind has exhibited behavior wholly unexplainable by mankind. However, by looking at female gender from an scientific viewpoint, interesting conclusions do emerge...

A mathematical proof:

A explanation founded in chemistry:

A mechanical demonstration:

Logistical evidence:

And finally, a domestic understanding:

Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于

Lucky for you then, have a balanced partnership. See, you get luck in somewhere.
海鸥飞处 发表评论于
我家两个都讲理(不是断背),怎么办? ;)

准确点说,我家有三个讲理的 + 一个不讲理的。 :)
flamenco_girl 发表评论于
另外,在婚姻中谁听谁的,多取决于个性对比,与水平基本无关。曾记得一位朋友说过,每家都有一个讲理的和一个不讲理的,讲理的得让着不讲理的 :-)
flamenco_girl 发表评论于

I still believe matched partnership is the best case, but many people can't get it at right time unfortunately. That is why we have so many stories.
melly 发表评论于

西方女人是从奴隶到将军,这我倒是头次听说。我很欣赏你说过的match,奴隶也好,将军也罢,只要一个愿打一个愿挨就行。我倒是觉得没有必要搞得这么上下级关系,partner 多好!
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于

I'm with you Melly. We are too good based on the norm, aren't we?
melly 发表评论于
If I want to buy sth in Gap, I would like rush there directly.

The chance for a man to winning an argument in marriage is not that bad.

God! am I supposed to be a man instead of a woman? hahaha....