
August 23, 2004

Iran court releases killer of unfaithful wife

He stabbed her to death in the courtroom. The lover will get lashed. From AFP, with thanks to Allah:

According to the newspaper Shargh, the man, identified as Mahmoud, had filed a complaint against his wife and her lover when he had found out that she was cheating on him.

When she appeared in court in Shahr Ray city in Tehran province in 2003 he lost control and stabbed her to death.But a court sentenced him Wednesday only to pay compensatory blood money to the parents of the blood, who are in fact himself and their three children, because the parents of the murdered woman, Fatemeh, 29, are dead, Iran newspaper said.

The court followed an order by the head of Iran\'s hardline judiciary, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi.The children would have lost their only breadwinner if the murderer had been put in jail, Iran.

The woman\'s lover, charged with illegitimate relations, was sentenced to be lashed and the verdict will be executed soon, Shargh said.

I asked the court for the ultimate punishment for her. But I thought they would not punish her, Shargh quoted the husband as saying, so I left the court building, hid a knife in my clothes to escape the body search at the court entrance, then I stabbed her in the courtroom in presence of the court staff.

Posted by Robert at August 23, 2004 06:11 PM

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Islam is lower than the lowest of low things.

Posted by: Doctor Phibes at August 23, 2004 07:15 PM

Listen up canadian govt....this will be the future of canada if you keep sucking up to muslims for their votes.

Posted by: USAgirl at August 23, 2004 07:29 PM

Where\'s that loser Reza now??

I thought the islamic sharia courts are so fair. If thats the case and they are so respected, why did this guy go to court prepared to mete out his own form of justice.

See Reza, even the muslims dont trust your filthy sharia law.

Posted by: SonofMoses at August 23, 2004 07:55 PM

We can expect such killings in the West, with increasing frequency, as well as rape induced marriages. Is this what we want in the West?

After a difficult journey of several centuries, we in the West, have arrived to a point where the individual, regardless of sex, is the basis of our society. Do we wish to go back to a time, where religious affiliation defines society? For this is what Islam is about; the re-definition of society from the individual identity and conscience to a Mullah and cleric driven one.

Islam is death to civilisations and the most virulent evil to infest the human race. It is mysogynist and infested with hatred of non-Muslims. The Koran is full of this hatred. It is backward and bereft of commonsense. Granting it the sanctum of a religion, brings all religions to disrepute. This is quite unfair to other faiths.

All Muslims should consider leaving Islam before they cause more damage to themselves and to mankind at large.


If Muslims continue to behave as they are doing now, forget about the religion of your grandchildren; it is likely you will not have any grandchildren.

Posted by: DP111 at August 23, 2004 08:29 PM

The children would have lost their only breadwinner if the murderer had been put in jail

Yes, so much better that the kids be raised by the man who murdered their mother in cold blood, without remorse, without justice. Such a healthy family environment for them! If the children consist of girls, I suppose they\'ll get the valuable Islamic lesson that if you anger your husband in any way, you die. And if there are boys amongst this family, they\'ll learn the lesson that if your wife pisses you off, murder her, without remorse, without fear of punishment. Yes, such a wonderful family life these Islamics enjoy! Such well-rounded individuals.

Posted by: feralee at August 23, 2004 09:50 PM

Disgusting travesty of Justice! Of course when a man gets tired of his wife [under Sharia Law] he just had to charge her with \'being unfaithful.\' Rest is easy...just look at Mullahs\' verdict. I believe this heartless scumbag husband killed her

before she could present any sort of defence : she was silenced - brutally, finally.Would like to

follow this and find out how long it takes for this paragon of a husband to find a \'newer, younger wife\'.

On BBC Italian Hospital in Kabul, shocking story emerges. \'Horrified\', when his wife told him she was pregnant, this Afghan husband snatched up his

AK 47 rifle and shot his wife through the abdomen

killing the baby and seriously injuring his wife.

Despite all this, young wife insisted on having her photo taken and case known. Bet this killer Bastard of a husband will get off scotfree though.

Posted by: Morgane at August 23, 2004 11:13 PM

These sorts of incidents makes it quite clear Islam has no respect for women. They are nothing more than slaves and child factories. I get tired of hearing of how women are revered in Islam, all this rubbish about how they are respected, blah, blah, blah, how much better it is for Muslim women than Western women. Typical rubbish BS words that some idiots might swallow and believe, but normal, intelligent people look at one\'s actions, the examples one sets. Just like the Islam is Peace rubbish - yeah, sure, we see loads of examples of that in action, LOL! Same with this women are respected claim - ROTFLMAO!

Women in other cultures might get victimized as well, but at least society does NOT condone it or encourage it by letting the perps off on minor charges, or nothing at all. Look at honor killings. Same thing - no justice. There\'s no way you can respect your wife, daughter, sister, or any female relative if you think you can just slaughter her because you feel your precious male pride might have been insulted. This is just plain evil. And sickness in the head.

Posted by: feralee at August 24, 2004 02:26 AM

All said and done, Islam seems to have manufactured the perfect bluprint to self-perpetuate its ugly poison across generations. Can\'t help but think Muhammad was a strategic genious to come up with this crafty a scheme wherein he ensured that even 1300 yrs after his death millions around the world remain spiritually enslaved to his words and deeds - something that\'s been every tyrant\'s dream but which only Muhammad managed to achieve.

P.S.: Apparently one of Buhkari\'s writings mentions that Muhammad was a redhead.. (!!??) A friend of mine, upon hearing this excalimed Ahh! Only a white man could have come up with something so cunning...

(Sorry, No racial pun intended)

Posted by: voletti at August 24, 2004 05:27 AM

They have been these \'honor killings in the west, 2 in Canada that I can recall.

How many in the USA? Who knows, they can be disguised as \'domestic disputes\' or missing persons. So can others in Canada I\'m sure.

While this story out of Iran has an unusual twist, if things would have went smoothly, the end result for the woman would have been the same. Except her husband would have the honor of bashing her head in with the first stone cast. Then her Children, the Imam, then the whole community would join in the festivities. Men women and children all pitching rocks at a woman buried up to her neck, laughing, having a great time...
