
刚看完“Misquoting Jesus“这本书,主要讲的是新约的翻译问题,不看这本书不知道,一看还真吓一跳。圣经版本,而且还是流行的圣经版本在翻译过程中的确有漏洞百出的地方。

“The King James Version is filled with places in which the translators
rendered a Greek text derived ultimately from Erasmus’s edition, which was based on a single twelfth-century manu that is one of the worst of the manus that we now have available to us! It’s no wonder that modern translations often differ from the King James, and no wonder that some Bible -believing Christians prefer to pretend there’s never been a problem, since God inspired the King James Bible instead of the original Greek!”

作者为什么这么说呢?原来作为首先印制圣经的Complutensian Polyglot,并不是第一个圣经发行人,因为Erasmus 和Froben 也知道Complutensian Polyglot 的行动,为了抢在他的前头,Erasmus到 Basel寻找他需要的版本。为了寻求速度快,他没有对比很多版本,只是找到足够的版本就发行了。他找到了十二世纪的版本包括福音书,使徒行者和Epistles和启示录,然后把拉丁文的Latin Vulgate翻译回希腊语,他自己也承认是”rushed out rather than edited”,当然他也成为第一个圣经的发行者,此后很多圣经发行者都没有仔细考察,就根据他的版本发行了。 一个世纪后依据这个版本,翻译成为King James Bible。Latin Vulgate 是由Jerome根据需要为不说希腊语的西罗马帝国翻译的。所以King James版本没有依据最原始的希腊语版本,就一直广为流传到今天。即使是新的King James版本,除了把旧的版本四处还有上帝名字耶和华的地方都去掉,把holy ghost改为holy spirit,好象没多大改进(没特别研究,不足的地方请补充。)所以在最古老和卓越的希腊新约版本中没有的故事,the woman taken in adultery(约翰福音7:53-8:11),the last twelve verses of Mark(马可福音16:8以后), and the Johannine Comma(约翰一书5:7-8)都在King James版本中有。而约翰一书5:7-8则更是支持三位一体教义的最好解释。即便是在Erasmus的希腊版本里也没有Latin Vulgate版本里说的three that bear witness on earth: Father, the Word, and the Spirit. 在Erasmus的希腊版本里作见证的是 the spirit, the water , and the blood. 但是这三个故事也有翻译正确的圣经版本,那就是新世界译本(New World Translation of the Holy ures http://www.watchtower.org/e/bible/index.htm)约翰福音7:53-8:11没有翻译到圣经主体里,不过在附注里有说明,马可福音16:8以后分长结语和短结语两种。短结语里没有马可福音16:9-20的内容。约翰一书5:7 For there are three witness bearers, 8 the spirit and the water and the blood, and the three are in agreement.(1John5:7-8(New King James Version) For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.)

更加糟糕的是Bart D. Ehrman继续在“Misquting Jesus“中写道”…..whether you are a reader of the New International Version, the Revised Standard Version,the New Revised Standard Version, the New American Standard Version, the New King James, the Jerusalem Bible, the Good News Bible,or something else. They are all based on texts that have been changed in places.” 由于很多圣经版本和New King James Bible翻译误差不大,所以以下仅以New King James版本为代表,再举几个例子。

1Timthoy3:16”God made manifest in the flesh”,由于希腊语“God”和“who”区
别不大,比较容易搞混,而在最早的希腊语版本中的翻译是“who”,也就是christ.”He was made manifest in flesh” (New world Translation of the Holy ures)

Luke 2:33 And Joseph and His mother marveled at those things which were
spoken of Him(New King James Version)
Luke2:33 And its father and mother continued wondering at the things being
spoken about it. (New World Translation of the Holy ures)

Luke 24:12 But Peter arose and ran to the tomb; and stooping down, he saw
the linen cloths lying by themselves; and he departed, marveling to himself
at what had happened. (New King James Version)
Luke24:12 [[But Peter rose and ran to the memorial tomb, and, stooping
forward, he beheld the bandages alone. So he went off, wondering within
himself at what had occurred.]] (New World Translation of the Holy
ures)[[]] 在新世界译本里是表示古人加进的词句。

Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels
of heaven, but My Father only. (New King James Version)
Matthew24:36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels
of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father“(New World Translation of
the Holy ures)
例子还有很多,我就不一一列举了。不过Bart D. Ehrman有很多最为关键的错误翻译还是没有在他的书里指出。比如上帝的名字是耶和华,在很多圣经版本里都被去掉了。希腊语普绪克被译成是灵魂是误译。“欣嫩谷”被译成地狱也是误译。“海地斯”被误译为阴间。苦行柱被误译成十字架。

一体等目的擅自篡改或者添加圣经。但是只要你耐心对比各种圣经版本,还是可以找到比较接近“原汁原味”的圣经版本的。我考察了一下新世界译本的文献参考目录,如下Sources for the Text of the New World Translation Christian Greek ures 23 Hebrew Versions (14th-20th Centuries), translated either from the Greek or from the Latin Vulgate, using Tetragrammaton for divine name,Armenian Version, Coptic Versions, Syriac Versions (Curetonian, Philoxenian, Harclean , Palestinian, Sinaitic, Peshitta), Old Latin—Latin Vulgate—Sixtine and Clementine Revised Latin Texts ,Original Greek Writings and Early Copies –
Early Greek Unical MSS.(Vatican 1209(B), Sinaitic(א), Alexandrine(A),
Ephraemi Syrireus(C), Bezae(D))—Westcott and Hort Greek Text, Bover
Greek Text, Merk Greek Text, Nestle-Aland Greek Text, United Bible Societies
Greek Text, Greek Cursive MSS. – Erasmus Text, Stephanus Text –Text
Receptus –Griesbach Greek Text—Emphatic Diaglott, Papyri (e.g, Chester
Beatty P45,P46,P47; Bodmer P66, P74,P75 )

