作者:happiebb 发表于:裴勇俊中文网—俊心咏恒 发表时间:2005/05/28 03:12am
作者:Oh Gyeok / 韩国电影杂志Cine21摄影师 2005/05/26
原载:Oh Gyeok的网络日记 http://blog.cine21.com/klara000
韩翻英:Yoon / Quilt www.baeyongjune.com
英翻中:Happiebb / 俊心咏恒 www.loveyongjoon.com
摄影师的日记: 我遭遇裴勇俊
我从电影《外出》的场景回来了。当然,这趟去是为了报导他们拍摄电影的进度和现时的状况。我以前就已经见过许秦豪导演好几回了,也曾经为孙艺珍拍过几张照片,但这次几乎可以算是我第一次见到鼎鼎大名的勇殿下裴勇俊 (我曾经在1996年出席一家当时刚成立的经纪公司Actor’s Palace的记者招待会上拍过裴勇俊的一张照片,但那个时候他还没有成名,而当时的我忙于拍其他演员的照片而忽略了他),所以这次我有点好奇。我很好奇为什么会有这么多人为他痴迷,紧追随着他。
在我认识的人当中有一位三十多岁的家庭主妇是裴勇俊影迷会的成员。当她因为孩子生病了而必须取消准备到三陟探班的计划时,她感到非常伤心。我无法理解这种心情,无法明白她的心理,因为说句实在话,我本身觉得他缺乏阳刚之气 (bb:译文直译的话应该是‘过于中性’,但我觉得不太对),我不觉得他有吸引力。
首先,他似乎是一个很温和也很好相处的人。这些年头粗粗鲁鲁的‘猛男’路线已经不吃香了。现在呢,越是阴柔的男人越受女性欢迎。我本身也讨厌那些老爱表现自己的男性力量,老把‘我们男人这样,我们男人那样…’挂在嘴边的男人。但这个裴勇俊笑得好漂亮迷人。他完全掌握了要怎么笑才能让周遭的人看了都开心的诀窍。到底是不是他的这个笑容让这么多女人为他风靡,被他俘虏呢?想到这里我有一个很好笑的想法,‘我的儿子也笑得很漂亮迷人… 他笑咪咪的双眼也有很高的杀伤力… 以后他长大后如果有很多女人缠着他那该怎么办啊?’
我听说 Um Jiwoo 为了电影 Kukjangjun 到坎城参加戛纳电影节是以英语跟记者做访谈。她在这个电影节以前看起来就很有智慧,但现在我对她更是敬佩。无论如何,我相当肯定裴勇俊是那种时时刻刻都勤奋工作的人。[bb:我不晓得他说的是谁,有没有人知道啊?]
在我们用餐时,有个人过来跟他要签名 (其实就是那家生鱼片餐馆的老板。老板在告诉我们那一餐由他来请客后,他就马上跟裴勇俊要亲笔签名了。其实我们能够理解他的动机,明白他为什么那么做,他开门做生意毕竟也是为了挣钱。但是当时我们还在用餐,他的举止似乎有些过分。) 很自然地,签名接着就成了我们聊天的话题,裴勇俊是这么说的,“我觉得只有电影记者比较不同,电影记者都不会开口要签名的。” 我们就告诉他其实也有很多人要我们帮忙向裴勇俊索取亲笔签名,只是我们都很努力地推掉了。裴勇俊听了之后说,“呃,呃… 如果你们真的需要,请告诉我吧!” 大家听了后都笑成一团。




[Trans & Pics] My experience with BYJ from Cine21
I came back from the movie set of
One of my acquaintances, a house wife in her 30’s, is a member of his fan club and she was very sad after she had to give up on a plan to visit the movie set in Samchuk because of her child’s illness. I couldn’t understand her, because frankly I thought he was too gender-neutral and couldn’t find him attractive.
Nevertheless, I got to like him after coming back from Samchuk. I can’t call myself his fan yet (I have been a fan of Sohn Changmin since I was very young. Sohn has been nice to me knowing I am his fan and whenever he shoots a movie I take charge of reporting .) but I could see why he was popular.
First of all, he seemed to be a very gentle and nice guy. These days no macho guy is popular. The more feminine a guy, the more popular he is to women. I too absolutely hate a guy who shows off his strength and says ‘We men are this and that’at every chance. But he smiles so prettily. He knows how to make a smile which can make onlookers happy. Isn’t it this smile that enchants many women? I had a silly thought there thinking about“My son smiles so prettily too..his smiling eyes are a killer too..what to do when women follows him around when he is grown up..”
He sincerely showed a lot of silent gestures of gratitude , if not indidividually, toward his fans who came to see him from Japan. I couldn’t see any sign of arrogance like ‘Yes, I am a star and you better like me!’I could feel that he earnestly felt thankful for them and treasure them. Maybe this is why his fans get to deeply love the person BYJ after they fall for him with Joonsang’s image in the drama.
Another thing is that he was really attractive. I had known that he enjoyed taking pictures but between shooting he would take pictures. He emanated the natural attractiveness that comes from someone who has a good healthy hobbies.
He also had his English teacher ready at his side and studied English whenever he could find time, which especially impressed me. According to my interview(?) with his English teacher Bryan, he was a student with an excellent aptitude for language study. I was also told that he studied English very hard. I felt very happy imagining a scene where he was charming reporters from all over the world with his fluent English at the press conference of the Cannes movie festival.
I heard that Um Jiwon, who went to Cannes for the movie ‘Kukjangjun, did interviews with reporters in English. She looked smart even before the event, but I was still impressed with her. Anyway I was certain that BYJ is someone who always works hard.
Also he was surprisingly humorous. Our group of reporters had dinner with him. I sat across from him so I could hear him talking with other reporters and also talked with him a couple of times. The atmosphere was very amicable and he confessed that he was having hard time with acting. He cheerfully enjoyed the conversation throughout and often entertained others by telling funny stories.
There was a person who asked for his autograph even during the meal (it was the owner of the sashimi restaurant. After he told us that the dinner was on him he immediately came to ask for the autograph. Well his behavior was understandable since he did business to make money, but considering we were in the middle of dining at that time his request seemed a little too much). Naturally signing autographs became the topic of the conversation, and he said,“I found that movie reporters didn’t ask for autographs unlike others..” So we replied that although we too had hard time with requests from others for BYJ’s autographs we tried to resist, to which he said, “Um..please tell me if you really need it.”So we all laughed.
We had a great time with him at the Samchuk movie set and Sohn Yejin was very pretty.
To me it was obvious that she was getting prettier and she looked more and more like an actor.
I hope I will meet Yonsama BYJ again at the studio or other movie set some day and he will stay for a long time as our star and an actor.
BYJ smiling at his Japanese fans at the window of the cafe where he was shooting.
BYJ said he worriedly had been taking too many photos without thinking since he switched to a digital camera. Someone told me to wave at his camera but I unintentionally clicked the shutter
BYJ shooting at the shore in Samchuk. They filmed till dark and I heard an unfortunate rumour that they would have to shoot again the same scene the next day. I wonder how it went..
His devoted Japanese fans. Binoculars are the basic equipment. They are so zealous they would pinch the taxi drivers to urge him to pass BYJ’s van. You can see many of such housewives all over the Samchuk city. From Cine 21 staff Photographer Oh Gyeok’s Blog