回复嘁哩喀喳 :先请 NewCommer 看一下这两篇文章。

嘁哩喀喳说 :





NewCommer 的看法:

Dear 嘁哩喀喳:

I read this two articles very carefully. To my understanding, you are addressing the issue that there is discrepency between the conventional scientific conclusions as accepted by the public and the what the Bible says as a lot of Christians believe. You are wondering why Christians refuse to deny what the Bible says in front of scientific conclusions (in your word 不管这些证据是多么的有力).

I am very limited. Very limited in knowIedge and very limited in intelligence. I am not entitled to represent other people\'s (including other Christians\') thinking. I can only share with you what I know and what I think, that is, my personal knowledge, persenal experience and personal thinking.

I am a scientist by myself. I was a fan of Issac Newton and Albert Einstein in my high school and college years. I spent years studing molecular biology and I am currently making a living developing cancer drugs.

What is science? To my understanding, science is a system developed by mankind, through human intellectual activities and experimental practices, to understand the outside natural material world. Good quality science has its own very strict rules and clear pre-assumptions. The scientific system exists based on the presumtion that the subject of its research is nature, no supernature intervene. Any solid scientific conclution should come from investigation of a model system. This system must be an isolated system, or , even with input, this input must be controlable or predictable to the researher. Any solid conclusion has to be drawn from the observation of this model system. Any extended application of the conclution has to meet the condition that in accordance with or at lest simulate the model system it came from. In another word, any solid scientific conlusion clearly defines its limitation by itself. That why Newton\'s theory accurately described low speed, marcoscopic material world by failed high-speed, quantum world. At Newton\'s age, if one proclaimed Einstien\'s conclusion (without data produced by 20th centry equipment and mathematic deduction from a brain as smart as Einstein), the general public will naturally consider it non-scientific.

Base on my personal understanding of science, science by itself clearly set its boundary. Science studies the law of nature systems when these systems are not intervened by non-natural elements. Science has so far been successfull in understanding a small fraction of the whole nature world. High-profile science never attempted to address questions related to supernatural realms.

Is Bilbe scientific? My understanding is NO. Bible is not scientific based on the following two points:

1) Bible is not talking about the isolated nature world. Bilbe is talking about the interaction between the HIGHEST SUPERNATURAL POWER and HIS created, the human being and the nature world. God created the nature world and the law of the nature world. God let the law of nature govern the nature activities most of the times ( These are the situations approachable by science). However, when God allows supernatual power to intervene, the law of nature yeilds.

2) Bible is not a result of human intellegence. It\'s REVEALED by an intellegence trillions of times higher than human\'s. Science can be evalued and understood by human intellegence with appropriate education. But Bible can not be understood by any form of human intellegence, not by intellence of me, not by intellegence of you, not by intellegence of anyone in this forum, not by intellegence of any Nobel laurates, not by intellegence of any pastors, not by intellegence of any bible scholars, not by intellegence of any theologists...... Bible can only be understood through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, the power, love and intellegence of God Himself.

My personal opinion on the question: Which is accountable, science or Bible?

Science is accountable, within and ONLY within the systems, under and ONLY under the conditions as defined by the original model system from which the conclusions are drawn.

Bible is accountable because and ONLY because it\'s the Word of God, the one who created the heaven and the earth, the one so loved you and me that he sent Jesus Christ to die and ressurect for us, the one who is love and justic, the one who is faithful and never lies.

I am now facing your statement that Scientific evidences doest not agree with What Bible says.

To be honest, the lot of scientific observations in your articles are not my expertise. I do not have confidance that I can evaluate whether 证据是多么的有力 with my limited scientific bacground. I am really sorry for that. If you discuss with me some molecular biology or medicine that I happens to familiar with, I would be delight to share my ideas.

I can tell from your writing that, you are a smart guy. Smarter than me. But I heard at least one guy who is slightly smarter than you. His name is Albert Einstein. This guy spent years figured out that the speed of light is constant. And you know what, GOD created light with just one sentence :Let there be light. Then, Bingo, light in the world! Can you imagine the IQ difference between Albert Einstein and GOD?

Again, the question came to the critical point: Do you know GOD-the one who created the heaven and the earth, the one so loved you and me that he sent Jesus Christ to die and ressurect for us- is real?

Thank you very much for your invitation of this discussion and I sinserely apologize that my limited scienticfic backgroud kept me from futher discussion about what you mentioned in your article.
