回复胡祈随想的评论:Please don't assume how others think and what their thoughts are based on their religion, country of origin, and sexual orientation...
胡祈随想 发表评论于
回复fayfei的评论: 可能信奉基督教的人都会哀悼死者吧?不管是谁啊?也许是本人的偏见误解啦?
fayfei 发表评论于
回复胡祈随想的评论:Ok there are a dozen Americans mourn him,and you divide this number by total number of American population, and you get 0.0000000000000000001%.It's safe to call it 0%. .
胡祈随想 发表评论于
回复L123454321的评论: 亚裔可能没有这个胆量吧?为什么美国某些白人敢呢?
L123454321 发表评论于
White people can take the lead to 悼念 the murder. Dare the korean or Chinese do the same thing first in US? I am just curious.
I don't think it should include criminal. If so, what about the dead person?
Just like freedom, some people have too much, then the other people don't have freedom.
Like if the people have the freedom to kill people, the other people will loose the human rights of being human.
You shouldn't write an article without basic investigation. Do you know how many Americans mourn him? Where is your statistics? If one or two mourn him, can you can Americans mourn this guy? Go to figure it out.
colourofwind 发表评论于
I don't think it make sense to 悼念 the murder. Some people is always support something different from our own culture. If western do it, it is right.He don't has his own thoughts at all.