我喜爱的作家-大仲马(Alexandre Dumas, père)和小仲马(Alexandre Dumas, fils)

千情百感越过已逝的流年, 把我们带回当初的起点.
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法国浪漫主义作家, father and son.

大仲马--三个火枪手(The Three Musketeers)
              基督山伯爵(Count of Monte Cristo)
              亨利三世(Henri III)
              女王的项链(Queen's Necklace)
              铁面人(The Man in Iron Mask)
Click here to learn more about Alexandre Dumas, père

小仲马--茶花女(The Lady of the Camellias )

Click here to learn more about Alexandre Dumas, fils
