
My son is crazy for music recently. He is hardly listening to me. What he desperately needs is nothing but music.

When I was pregnant, I didn’t listen to many children’s songs for early education. Instead I did enjoy light music played on piano or violin in order to forget the uneasiness during pregnancy. Right after he was born, we downloaded many kid’s songs for him.  He didn’t show much love for music except being quiet when listening to it until he was about 6 months old. From then on, he started to shake his hands or feet from time to time while the music was playing. As he was a bit over 1 years old, his love to music and kid’s songs was apparently. He loved dancing with music. Amazingly, he could follow the rhythm pretty well. His movement was simple and funny----hip-rocking.

Music was one of the tools for us to make him sleep. Sometimes he performed a bit bad and was reluctant to go to sleep by himself. My husband would hold and shake him gently following the songs’ rhythm. Like hypnosis, he would be asleep quietly and quickly. Sometimes after we put him in bed, we still found him shaking his little cute butts with rhythm of the music. We could not resist laughing at him. How devoted to music he was! Wasn’t it adorable and interesting?

Now my son is crazy for kids’ songs. Whenever we turn on the computer, he will undisputedly ask for songs. He will point at the computer and say “music, go” (my translation). Whenever the songs are playing, he will undoubtedly dance with them. Hip-shaking has turned into whole body movements, and sometimes with un-understandable singing conducted and enjoyed only by his own. 

He is such a cutie.

“You know what?” I told my husband proudly “This is from my side”.

“Sure, I don’t disagree with you.” My husband admitted. “However, if he plays piano someday, that would be from me”.

“Aha, I will never forget your beautiful skinny long-finger hands”.


melly 发表评论于

Sorry Rebecca, Just saw the message. Thanks a lot.
林贝卡 发表评论于
"He is such a cutie. "
melly 发表评论于

Sweetie, I thought you were standing on my side. lol

There are always friendly fightings in families, right?
melly 发表评论于


blhw72 发表评论于
Ok la, don't fight. The prince is a perfect combination of both of you. Fair enough?
lindows 发表评论于