隔两个block的邻居家有个女儿,叫Melody,和儿子就差两个月,经常一起玩。以前开他们的玩笑,是男/女朋友。现在知道男/女朋友有特别的意思,早就不承认了。按姐姐的说法,“It is broken”。
昨天老妈下班晚了点,就不想烧饭了,顺道买了个pizza回来,一到家就开晚饭。四个人往桌子上一坐,老爸觉得少了个人,就说:“Hi, we should keep a share for Melody.”
“She may come later today. She always comes to play with you. So weshould save a share for her. She is your girl----friend, isn't she?”老爸故意把girlfriend拉长点说。
“Yeah, right!” 姐姐马上起哄。
“No, she is not. Girlfriend is special, and have to be in love with.” 儿子马上澄清。
老爸一见有机可乘,就逗儿子:“So you meant your mom is your girlfriend, right? She is a girl, she is your friend, and she loves you.”
“哈哈哈。。。。”, “哈哈哈。。。。”老妈和姐姐同声大笑。
大概记住了老妈比老爸年记小,儿子马上回答:“No, your girlfriend should be younger (than you)。”