在公司里总是可以找到会做事的人。也不见得每个人都会被整。我觉得完全看老板的心态。这是个人的问题。合则聚,不合则散。到上海第叁个月我就想回来了。出去一趟不容易。所以强迫自己呆下来。不过,回想还是值得,毕竟我看清楚许多国内现象,不呆一阵子看不出来的。我觉得,这个世界就是这么的可爱,总有一些执着的人,也有一些投机分子。不过,不急,所有我见到的投机分子,最后的下场很惨的,尤其在我们这个领域。我始终相信,我们最大的敌人是自己,不是别人。最悲惨的就是,We don’t know what we don’t know. We are ignorant and we don’t know that we are ignorant. 我的下一个博客就是讨论我在美国职场混了30年的经历。所有那些混混的老板,当把戏玩久了,自然而然就被看穿了,所以无法长久的。
当初我并没有打听她的底细。这是我的失拙。我也在文中提起。这里面当然有许多私人的传闻,我就不谈了。不过,他的老板,也不是这一行的。是个老外。当年,为公司立了汗马功劳。所以留下来掌管这个部门。其实干我们这个行业,有的老总不是这一行的。经营的也不错。问题是最后是否可以发展成一个成功的公司,像美国的Amgen, Gilead, Genetech..等等。我的看法是,有一大段距离。就像我前面提的,一个公司的成功与否,是看你是否知道你在干啥。You have to know what you are doing. And the most important is that you have to keep your mind opened and realize that you are ignorant when you are ignorant. It is fatal if you don’t know what you don’t know.
DawnW 发表评论于
I will write my opinion to your concerns:
1。 做事的人是挨整的对象,那还有人做事吗?没有做实事的人,那这个世界会是什么样的?
Marx already told us long time ago, it is the blue collar workers, who produce the values. On the other hand, when capital reaches to a certain amount, it produces by itself. The CEO and managers are just puppies. And further, the world does not need us, it self-organizes itself. We human are parasites.
It is going to be listed in the stock market sooner or later. Since it is partially a matter of government behavior, in other words, it is more politically driven.
She is not elected. Got it right. What is the matter to know her detail background? There is no further need to know what sort of boss behind her, that is just out of the question. She is a successful person in certain way, even though morally, you may like to dislike her. In fact, ask yourself quietly, (including others who comment here) if you are lucky enough to end in a similar situation like she did or does, can you be better than she is?
我是在华尔街混的,经历就大不同了。您所述的在中国公司的人际关系与公司管理的情形,我在美国公司是司空见惯,家常便饭(包括那些小聪明及中饱私囊的伎俩。 For example, the back-dating of options are pretty ugly and prevailing.)。只是对于中国人(及其他非白人族群)更多一层歧视和欺压。而且,中国人讲“杀人不过头点地“,而美国人则动辄“不置人于死地不快“。