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又到了一年一度的黑池比赛。这是国际上 Dance Sport (competitive ballroom) 的最大赛事。第一次知道黑池比赛还是从日本电影 Shall We Dance 。当时我整个还是个局外人,并非懂得它的意义。去年这时我正在英国旅游,就顺便从伦敦去黑池看比赛。黑池是个小地方,很不起眼。比赛场地 Winter Garden 也没有象影像和想象中那麽富丽瑭璜。但它汇集了世界顶级选手。虽然也有不少凑份子的。在加上舞蹈用品供应商们助阵,好是热闹。

值得一提的是近年来中国在 Dance Sport 上的突飞猛进。在2006年,职业 International Standard 和 Latin 都进入了前 24 名。业余组更有 Yang Chao 和 Tan Yiling 获 2006 年 International Standard 业余新星组冠军,差点进入业余组半决赛。比所有的美国选手都靠前。 Tan Yiling 的素质很优秀,很有天份。我 2000 年在香港居住时第一次看她比赛。当时她只有 14 岁。下面附上去年 Yang Chao 和 Tan Yiling 在 黑池比赛的照片。




Lu Ning 和 Wei Wei 获 2006 年 Latin 业余新星组冠军,并进入业余组半决赛。下面附上去年他们俩的照片。



今年赛事。两名中国选手已进入职业 Latin 新星组决赛,并其中一对获得冠军。希望今年会听到中国队更多的好消息。

flamenco_girl 发表评论于
是啊,没见Christopher & Justyna Hawkins.一般来说,成绩不如从前,就没什麽比下去的意义了。
海鸥飞处 发表评论于
Domenico Soale & Gioia Cerasoli可是我的favorites之一。呵呵。

可惜的是这次没见到Christopher & Justyna Hawkins。难得他们跟Timothy Howson & Joanne Bolton一样retired了吗?(我这儿消息闭塞,听不到什么风声。) :-(

不过令人高兴的是又见Slavic重出江湖了。相信许多MM都迷死了。 :)
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于


刚看了 Blackpool 的结果。Victor Fung & Anna Mikhed 进入了final, 得第六。Domenico Soale & Gioia Cerasoli 转 pro 了。难怪 Amatuer Standard Champion 原第二名进级了。

中国选手 Qi Zhi-Feng 又换舞伴了,这回名列36,大不如从前了。
海鸥飞处 发表评论于

还在等你的Ballroom经历的续集呢。我现在没什么舞跳,就爱看看别人写的跳舞的事过干瘾。 :-)
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
Hi 海鸥, 好久不见了。欢迎来串们。我看过你的博客文章。你写得挺好的。
海鸥飞处 发表评论于
好热闹呵。难得在网上找到中文谈Black Pool的(孤陋寡闻,见笑了)。

我也看了一下结果:不错嘛,广东队又得了Latin Formation的第一名。 :)

美国也不错:JONATHAN WILKINS and KATUSHA DEMIDOVA终于排到第二名了(professional standard),而Victor and Anna也有三个舞挤进final了。很好的结果!

flamenco_girl 发表评论于
I just saw the results. Yang Chao 和 Tan Yiling placed 13 (1 place improved), Lu Ning 和 Wei Wei placed 14 (3 place droped). The best places for USA in Latin is No.4, and Standard is No.65.

To answer menhaoran1's question, Chinese dancers have won both Professional and Amatuer International Standard and Latin in Rising Star divisions, but none placed top 10 in Open levels yet. Usually, we count top 6 (final) and top 12 (semi-final). Lu Ning 和 Wei Wei was best placed so far, got No.11 last year in Amatuer Latin. Zhang Jin and Luo Wen Qing placed 15 in Open Pro Latin last year, Qi Zhi-Feng and Hou Ling just made into quater-final in Pro Standard.

menhaoran1 发表评论于
any Chinese dancers made into professional dance competition top 10 in blackpool ever? I could not remember any. Just curious.

If none has made that far, hope someone will.
aircraft 发表评论于
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
Hi aircraft, glad to see you here. There is no 黑池比赛转播 in US unfortunately. Actually, I guess none has 转播 rights so far. They sale DVDs afterwards. I do have 2006 Professional Latin in this blog that I digged out from YouTube. Hopefully, someone will post 2007 黑池比赛 in YouTube afterwards.
aircraft 发表评论于
哇,谢谢,正想上网查呢,倒是在你这里看到这么详细的报导,好像是在哪里看过关于Yang Chao 和 Tan Yiling的介绍,第二组没有印象。黑池比赛美国转播吗?
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
I have had different partners along the way, like most people do. Changing partner happens quite frequently in competitive dancing world. It's very hard to find a really good match, which need match in dance skills, image, personality, mental readiness, etc ... The higher level the harder, simply very few man go that far for dancing in our age group. Also, people can grow apart even matched initially. In general, the everage life for a competitive partnership could be about 2 years, enough to tell how far they can go. "Life partner + dance partner" can be relative stable, but usually they compromise one way or another. Many couples divorced after competitive dancing life, and others stick together going nowhere competitively. I guess it depends on what's important to each person. There are also lucky ones who meet their best match, surface immediately, and then stay forever. My personal life and dancing life were separated all the time. My last dance partnership ended about a year ago.
melly 发表评论于

Just curious, you have danced for a long time, you do not have a long-term right partner yet? It is painful to change partners over and over again, right?

Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
I haven't competed in foreign country yet, though I traveled a lot (as a package of life without kids, isn't it?) I guess you'll be compensated later :-)

I'll consider to compete again if meet a right partner.
melly 发表评论于
Have you ever taken part in any of international competitions?

I admire you so much since you have been to many places. you are rich in terms of life experiences.