March 03
第二次掛號,那個人幫我掛了"神經內科"的"張大夫",我心理嘀咕著,甲狀腺和神經系統難道有關係嗎? 到了張大夫的房間,又看到一群人擠在裡面。我問了門口的護士,"甲狀腺是不是在這兒看?" 她一臉不屑的說,"甲狀腺怎麼會看神經內科呢?" "去找內科的張大夫!" 她指了指對面的一個女的老醫師。
我又去掛了一次號。說,我要掛"普通內科"的"張大夫",一個"老老的女醫師"!! 那個人很不耐煩的說,"普通內科沒有張大夫"。 我實在是沒耐心了,對他吼了一句,"隨便那個大夫!!" 她悻悻然說,"早說嘛!" 我又上了三樓,找了一個沒人排隊的房間,走進去,就说,"我的朋友懷疑我有甲抗,我想驗個血,確診一下" 大夫什麼都沒說,就幫我開了驗血單,只問, "你要驗貴的還是便宜的? "天哪?這是醫師應有的態度嗎?
週五,去拿結果。到了醫院,我跟護士說,"我要來取週二化驗的結果"。她指了指桌上的一堆化驗單說,"自己找"!我慢慢的一張一張的翻,翻完了最後一張,卻沒看到我的名字。我心一沉,和護士說,"沒找著"!但同時瞥見了一張長單子上有我的名字,旁邊注了個"核"字。我又說,"我的名字在這"。她看了看,叫我去找"@#$" (我已經忘了是啥玩意兒)。我沒聽懂,又問了她一次,她一面穿衣服,一面又說了一次。我還是沒聽懂,就問她在哪?她說,"在對面樓的三樓",就走出去了。"。我走到對面樓的三樓,繞了一圈,沒找到"@#$又繞了一圈,還是沒找著。心裡琢磨著,找個人問問,但等了半天,也沒看到半個人影。下了2樓,正好碰到了個人,我問她,"請問@#$在哪?" 她說,"就在3樓的這個位置"。我說,"但我剛剛看了,這個位置是核研所"。她說,"核研所就是@#$,但是現在是午餐時間沒人,過了1點半再來"。我到對面的KFC去吃了個炸雞腿。
終於,找到了大夫,問了我的情況。她說,我確診是甲亢。要我吃一種藥,副作用小也省時。我問她,懷孕可以吃嗎? 她說,"哦,你還沒有小孩,那等到你40歲再來吧!"
March 17
從北京搬到廣州,好像從天堂掉到了地獄。我們家5口,一起窩在老公原本的單身公寓,害喜嚴重的我,沒法忍受狗狗的異味,(奇怪,以前都不覺得他們有味道?) 只好把他們關在洗手間裡,一向習慣自由了的他們,竟然不哭也不鬧,真是貼心,但也加深了我對他們的歉疚。
April 11
Finally, I'm feeling better!
After three months of suffering from the famous "morning sickness," which can happen anytime during the day, I finally can start to "enjoy" my pregnancy. I no longer have to stick a popsicle into my mouth after each meal, no longer have to bring a plastic bag with me wherever I go, no longer have to lie on my bed and watch TV for a whole day, no longer have to blah blah blah... Finally, sigh...
The positive result of the most recent blood test shows that the medication is working on me. I'm releaved from the nervousness of having a heart failure when I bring my precious baby to this world. The most dangerous period of miscarriage has also passed. Everything is going towards the bright side. I am so happy!
Last week, my obstetrician showed me the first photo of my baby. She/he is sooo tiny, but I can see his/her relatively huge head, his/her slim arms and legs, his/her ear (only one side because it's not a 3D photo), his/her eye, and most amazingly, his/her little nose sticking out from the head! I know he/she is gonna be so beautiful! This little black and white picture has given me courage to go through the most difficult time.
I am gaining weight, finally. Since the "oyster meal" in February, I had lost 4kg in total. Yesterday when I stepped on the scale, I surprisingly found that I gained 1kg back. I know there's still a long way to go, but can finally feel that the baby is growing in me. I will do my best to eat healthily from now on. Even went to Carrefour this morning to get myself some milk and cereal! (I hated milk since little!)
After experiencing the coldness of the doctors I've seen in both China and Taiwan, Vancouver is my final decision where I'll bring my baby to the world. I told sis this morning I even started to miss Safeway, where I didn't enjoy going at all when I was there. Even thinking of going to QE park would get me all excited. I miss driving on highway 91, Granville street, Marine Drive, 4th Avenue... I know deep down my heart that Vancouver is THE place for me and my baby... My return flight will be May 11th! See you all soon, my friends in Vancouver.
PS. I'd like to show my appreciation to Greg here, who has been so supportive all along, who has to take care of three dogs all by himself, who has to spend 12 hours every two weeks to fly to Taiwan from Guangzhou, China, at the same time, who has to work his butt off to get any slight chance of being transferred to Atlanta, US head office. I know you will be reading this and want to tell you again after a million times that ... "I love you, my dear Laogong!"
May 06
August 13
從一開始的孕吐, 到發現甲狀腺亢進, 子宮肌瘤, 血糖過高, 似乎走的並不平順
不過, 肚子裡的寶寶仍然一天天的長大, 不知道她給媽媽帶來了這麼多麻煩
還有10週, 我們就可以見到她了
興奮的同時也感嘆, 這真是我的生命中最漫長的一段日子啊...
Katherine Chen (陳凱琳)
她有著爸爸不安定的性格, 一天到晚在媽媽肚子裡轉來轉去
老公上次回來時嚇了一跳, 因為看到我圓圓的肚子上, 竟然凸起一塊, 而且還會從左邊移到右邊! 好像在演異型第4集!! (Movie: Alien 4)
我散步時, 她也會在裡邊伸伸胳膊, 踢踢大腿
但是我彈鋼琴時, 她就會睡覺 (超像她爸的!)
看到劇中女主角們美美的化妝, 穿著, 髮型, 高跟鞋
再看看鏡子裡的我: 一隻胖了10公斤的母豬, 加上清湯掛麵的香菇頭
還好老公大部分的時間都看不到這頭母豬, 否則要他不搞外遇都難 (呵呵, 開玩笑啊, 老公, 別真給我找個狐狸精回來!!)
不過, 讓我自己都感到驚訝的是, 我竟然一點也沒有 "害怕" 的感覺
通常越接近臨盆, 產婦都會擔心生產過程順不順利
昨天看了一篇文章: "Labour is like snowflakes"
是一位剛生完孩子的母親寫的, 非常有趣
Forget everything that you read in books, see on TV and your friends and doctors tell you. Labour is like snowflakes. It's completely different from one woman to the next. And as for your first labour, nothing can prepare you for the feeling.
Sure, you can be mentally prepared, as I was. I read everything I could get my hands on, watched all the reality birthing shows and asked my friends and doctors every possible question. So even though it was my first pregnancy, I thought for sure I would be able to know the signs of labour when they came.
I guess I was expecting my water to break, or to see blood or be in extreme pain, or to have some other sign from God, to know that I was in labour. But it didn't happen that way.
Although I was expecting twins, my pregnancy was without complications and my only discomfort was constipation. Constipation like I had never felt before. I would joke with my husband that going to the bathroom felt like I was giving birth (as if I knew what that felt like).
One night, after a big steak dinner, I woke up around 2 a.m. to go to the bathroom. From 2 a.m., I got up numerous times to sit on the toilet. My husband began to get suspicious when I was getting out of bed every 15 minutes. He suggested that maybe I was in labour, but I disagreed.
I pleaded with him that I just needed to try a little more on the toilet. He was starting to get impatient and insisted that I put some clothes on and we go to the hospital. Finally I gave in around 8 a.m..
The pain got worse as I waited for my doctor, but after checking me, she announced that I was two centimetres dilated. The epidural was put in and within no time I felt "normal" again.
The doctor informed me that she was going to try to deliver the babies vaginally. I wasn't prepared for that. I assumed that I would have a C-section. She assured me that both babies were in the head-down position and ready to come out. I realized that two babies were going to come out of one of the smallest openings of my body. What had I gotten myself into?
Surprisingly, a woman's body is an incredible machine. We've been doing this miraculous feat since the beginning of time. I delivered both girls without incident, five minutes apart. From the time I arrived in the hospital until the time I held my first baby, only 3 1/2 hours had elapsed. It all happened so quickly and smoothly, and the doctors made it seem all too easy. I really don't remember the pain; I just remember that I had to go to the bathroom, and then I gave birth to two beautiful baby girls!!
對Renee Ruggero (作者) 來說, 臨盆就像大便一樣容易!! (對不起, 我的文章永遠是大白話...)
Kate, Mommy really can't wait to see you in the near future!!
October 09
Still hanging on here...
My dear husband finally came back to Vancouver!
So far, I've got several new nicknames...
The first day, I was a pig. (not very creative yet.)
The second day, I was a camel upside down.
The third day, I walked like a penguin.
The fourth day, I was a seahorse.
The fifth day, I was a kangaroo.
Let's see how many new names I will have before our dear daughter decides to come out!!