It takes 3 years for the oysters to grow. They grow on pieces of wood under water. The farmers paint the wood so that the wood wouldn’t rot. Every year the farmers need to take the wood (with the oysters) and clean it, strip off some other growing things, eg. Weeds. It is a heavy lifting work. The best oysters grow in shallow water, with no waves and clean salty water. Wallis Lake is one of the best places for growing oysters, and therefore, the lake is the biggest oyster farm in NSW.
We arrived at the pier at ten to ten. We were welcomed by a friendly man who explained that today was too windy and it was dangerous to go out on the sea. The trip would still be two and half hours, but we would have the lake cruise instead of both lake and dolphin watching. We were a bit disappointed but safety is the most important. We were charged $90 altogether (for 4 adults) instead of $40 each person because of the changes.
Since Eddie was so cute, the friendly man couldn’t help giving him some fish feeds for Eddie to feed the fish. The fish at the pier were so BIG and they were in groups. Whenever the feeds were dropped in the water, troops of fish swarm for the food. It must be a great placing for fishing!

一开始, 大部分人都坐在上层. 从船上往岸上, 湖上看, 有居高临下的感觉. 当时天气不错, 昨晚的乌云都去了, 剩下的是片片的层云, 太阳从白云间照下, 在蔚蓝的天空中和湛蓝的湖水衬映下令人心旷神怡.
湖上有不少的岛屿, 大的可以住人, 不过搬进去住得先买船, 因为没有公共交通工具, 只能靠自己的船来往大陆之间.

走出狭隘的群岛, 来到宽阔的湖心. 风忽然大了起来, 广播导游说:
“带帽的同志们把帽子护好, 每年有不少的帽子飘落到湖中. 如果不幸你的帽子被吹飞了, 不要担心, 我们的小卖部有各种款式的供你挑选.”
就在大家都因风大而往下舱赶时, 我们看到几百米远处有几只海豚浮上来呼吸, 若影若现. 可惜因为那边的水太浅, 船不能开过去. 相对与在海上, 湖里的海豚比较少, 不是时时可以看见, 所以大家都比较兴奋, 欢声雀跃地往船一侧涌去.
可能是海豚聪明, 有特别的大脑(两个半球可以轮流休息,所以也可以说海豚是不需要睡觉的), 人们似乎对它们特有好感. 加上澳洲人有环保意识, 海豚在各海域都有踪迹.
相对于这里的海豚, 中国长江的白暨豚和长江豚就没那么幸运了. 白暨豚差不多绝迹了, 长江豚只能在天鹅洲保护区才少受污染的影响. 澳洲不一定是难民们的天堂, 但肯定是动物的乐土.
在湖中虽然大风, 但浪不大, 故此在船上感觉不到颠簸. 可能也是这个缘故, 喜欢逐浪的海豚们始终没有再出现. 虽然如此, 环湖游还是十分值得推荐的.
两个多小时环湖后, 在码头边的西餐厅吃过午餐(不知为什么, Forster的餐厅都不怎么样), 到镇上最出名的蚝批发店买了一打蚝($13.50, 在Forster西码头的红点店[Red Spot] 往南走100米)今晚上享用. 说实话, 蚝不是很大, 我对蚝又不是很执着, 总觉得珠海的烧蚝好吃D.
我们还是往南走. 这次我们从湖南面绕过, 来到湖西边的山上叫Sugar Creek Flora Reserve(糖溪植物保护区, 可能那溪水特甜)的Whoota Whoota Lookout. 那是一山顶了望台.

从塘(糖)溪保护区南下回到The Lakes Way继续往西走, 在Sungwahi 左拐入Smiths Lake和Myall Lake之间的Seal Rocks Road, 来到Seal Rocks(海豹岩).
把车停好, 还得走一段 到海豹岩的灯塔. 一路上树木茂盛成荫, 时时听见海涛拍岸之声. 不久来到悬崖海边, 但见两股海浪涌向石滩, 把对面的悬崖围成马蹄形. 苏东坡的赤壁怀古是怎么个来着? “乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪.” (对, 就是那样儿的).

此时太阳从周边的乌云露出, 金光洒在海岸线上, 沙滩显出金黄颜色, 加之彩虹乍现, 景色无与伦比.