CBS letter regarding FCC investigation into "Doghouse"

Got the letter yesterday. They sent it as a pdf. file. It is worth trying to get our voice heard


Dear Consumer:

Thank you for contacting the Federal Communications Commission to share your concerns about program material. It’s against federal law to air obscene

programming at any time. It is also against federal law to air indecent or profane programming during certain hours. The Commission is charged with enforcing the law that governs these types of broadcasts.

Your views and concerns about program material are important to us. The

Commission will review what you have ted carefully to determine whether it contains sufficient information to suggest that there has been a violation of the obscenity, indecency or profanity laws. If it appears that a violation may have occurred, the Enforcement Bureau will start an investigation, which may include a letter of inquiry to the broadcast station. Further information is available on the

Commission’s web site at

Again, thank you for contacting us about this important issue.

Jeffrey H. Tignor, Acting Chief

Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division

Consumer and Govermental Affairs Bureau
