Let us give her a break, the mother earth, Everyone please

It is not too crazy to imagine in 2017, TEN years from now, the earth will explore and all human kind, after million millions years of difficult evolution, along with other creatures which support the human life, from fresh air to daily bread and delicious food, will diminish, like gone-with-wind. It is not too difficult to reach that goal because every year in this 10 years, counting from today, that the desire-driven human beings are continuing to destroy what the God has created for them, by pursuing larger and heavier truck-style luxury cars, mounting huge jets, drifting aimless navy aircraft carriers on the great sea, driving armors vehicles in the area thousands of bombs explored every day where people were dying because of unknown-reasoned-wars, lightening millions of the never-dark parking lots in the new-car dealers, and shinning big entrepreneur buildings. All of these activities speeding up the consumption of the “Black Gold” of the earth which was formed million and million years ago and turning them into CO2, a waste gas that is trapped inside the air-layer surrounding the earth. THE changes were and are causing directly, the elevation of earth temperature, calving and melting the 20,000-year-old -story tall ice bergs into warm water, transforming the Arctic and Antarctic glaciers, in the north and south poles of the earth into the yellow terrain; raising the sea levels which will demolish cities and lives.

Who will come to save us? By God or Yourself? I never doubt that God will bring us, the Christian, the Protestant, the Muslin, the Buddhism, the Taoism, and the Confucians, to the heaven. Do you want to go, however, that last day of the earth, of the life, to heaven together? I doubt if you say yes. If no, what should we do?

Let us cool her down, give the earth a break. She has been too tired, and devastated too much, and here and there, even into her heart with thousands of knife-like, 20-inch-wide steel bars which are; thousands of bombs rocked its deep solid base. She is crying, shaking, and shouting. Is it enough, your human beings! OMG! Did you hear that? At least I do. Man, brothers and sisters, please wake up, and look at yourself in the mirror every morning, say to yourself, for the sake of myself, my next generation, the creatures who share this environment, and for the mother earth, let us dissolve our hatred to stop the war and bombing, change to a lighter car to slow down and stop the drilling, turn off the lights you don’t need. Save the earth and save your life!
