Top 24 Health Benefits of Goji

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Recent years have seen the increasing popularity and consumption of goji berries in western countries such as US, Japan, Canada and Europe. I myself have bought a few from, and like it very much. I have done some research on goji berries on Internet, and would like to write it down in my blog.

1) Extends life, protecting your body from premature aging through its powerful antioxidant action

2) Increases your energy and strength, especially when fighting disease

3) Makes you feel and look younger. Goji Berries stimulates the secretion of hGH (human growth hormone), the "youth hormone."

4) Maintains healthy blood pressure

5) Reduces cholesterol

6) Promotes normal blood sugar in early adult-onset diabetes

7) Enhances sexual function and treats sexual dysfunction

8) Helps you lose weight

9) Relieves headaches and dizziness

10) Relieves insomnia and improves quality of sleep

11) Supports eye health and improves your vision

12) Strengthens your heart

13) Improves disease resistance

14) Builds strong blood, enhancing production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets

15) Supports healthy liver function

16) Treats menopausal symptoms

17) Prevents morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy

18) Improves fertility

19) Strengthens your muscles and bones

20) Improves your memory and recall ability

21) Supports normal kidney function

22) Helps chronic dry cough

23) Alleviates anxiety and stress

24) Promotes cheerfulness and brightens your spirit

The last property explains why goji is called the 'happy berry'. In fact, it has been noted that the only known side effect of wolfberries is that continued consumption may make it impossible for you to stop smiling!
