Why You Should Know Technical Analysis?

金融投资,包括股票投资, 外汇投资等.
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No matter which style of investment you are engaged, you have to meet and know the basic of technical analysis. As you know, fundamental analysis and technical analysis are two main ways to forecast the price trend. Fundamental analysis involves researching and evaluating the characteristics of the object. Technical analysis, on the other hand, pays more attention to price movements.

To understand technical analysis, you have to believe three assumes: all market fundamentals are depicted in the actual market data; history repeats itself and therefore markets move in fairly predictable, or at least quantifiable, patterns; prices move in trends.

Technical analysis is a method of predicting price movements by looking at purely market-generated data. Price data from a particular market is most commonly the type of information analyzed by a technician, though most will also keep a close watch on volume and open interest in futures contracts. Based on these information, there are many technical analysis methods which can be used as a tool to forecast the price trend, such method as chart research and technical indicators.

Chart research is the basic method of technical analysis. You can know a variety of charts patterns that show price action or specific trend. Trend is a term used to describe the persistence of price movement in one direction over time. Trends move in three directions: up, down and sideways.

Technical indicators can be expressed by the value of the indicator. The value will be up, down or same and you can get the signals which are coincident or leading the market. Technical indicators are objective, and you can be objective too.

Almost every trader uses one method or more of technical analysis. Even the most reverent follower of market fundamentals is likely to glance at price charts before executing a trade. At their most basic level, these charts help traders determine ideal entry and exit points for a trade. They provide a visual representation of the historical price action of whatever is being studied.

Genarally speaking, fundamental analysis can only judge which direction the market will move, and technical analysis can supply both direction and price. Remember, fundamental analysis is a very effective way to forecast economic conditions, but not necessarily exact market prices. And anthoer thing you should know is that fundamental analysis is not suitable for you to day trading or short term trading.

As you are only normal individual just like me, you can not get the ongoing first-hand information and should know technical analysis first.

On the surface, it might appear that technicians ignore the fundamentals of the market while surrounding themselves with charts and data tables. However, a technical trader will tell you that all of the fundamentals are already represented in the price. They are not so much concerned that a natural disaster or an awful inflation number caused a recent spike in prices as much as how that price action fits into a pattern or trend. And much more to the point, how that pattern can be used to predict future prices.

The bottom line when utilizing any type of analytical method, technical or otherwise, is to stick to the basics, which are methodologies with a proven track record over a long period. After finding a trading system that works for you, the more esoteric fields of study can then be incorporated into your trading toolbox. Visit SoloInvest and TradingSolutions to know more.

After you have begun trading, the only thing you should do is that you stay focused and disciplined on the strategy or trading method. This will be the only way for you to be successful and profitable.
