Perfection vs. Obsession

Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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I haven't whined for a while. It's not for the lacking of subjects though.

You know what I do nowadays? Crafting stupid presentations. Making tedious tedious TEDIOUS edits. It is all because I work for a compulsive obsessive paranoid control freak.

If you want me change something, just tell me point blank. Don't say - what do you think? You know what I really really think?

I don't give it a damn!

Add "assumed"? Fine. Don't like "should"? Tell me what you want. Just don't expect me to volunteer anything. I don't care and I don't think this kind of obsession is "adding any value"!

I don't want to do these stupid mind-numbing "careers" anymore. I want to do something that's going to do good to the world!!!

姜太公钓鱼 发表评论于
You might never notice that your boss used some psychological tricks to manipulate your emotions, while showed his or her superiority over you that you should listen and respect him or her more.

If I were you, I would either simply play back with them - crush them totally when I have a chance. Or just laugh them as well as my ass off, pretending nothing ever happened.

Remember you only annoy yourself and that's basically what they want you to be.
chic 发表评论于

我倒是很佩服你当时辞职的勇气 - 希望借助你无穷的榜样力量,我也能够“有所作为” :)



XiaoPingZer 发表评论于
我在这儿的第一份工作没坚持多就,四个月不到就辞职了,但是一直对自己说我会习惯这个公司的环境的,也可以把工作做好,但是很清楚的又知道自己在骗自己去适应. 辞职后感觉有些失败但知道自己做对了选择.现在的工作比较忙和挑战性,但是公司工作环境比较相对人性化一点,所以忙的话没太多排斥感. 但是周一大早去上班的路上常常会问自己:为了什么,我又要去卖命的打工? 哈哈,没想写那么多.
chic 发表评论于
It's a song called Mea Culpa by the group Enigma. Glad you like it! : )
I used to like this group A LOT. Their best song, jmho, from a few years back is called Return to Innocence - it includes some tunes from the aboriginal Taiwan singing. Worth checking out...
agentsmith 发表评论于
by the way, this song is real nice, sounds like french, can you tell me the name of the song, so that I can go youtubing? thanks.
agentsmith 发表评论于
I laughed loudly at seeing the conversation between toothbrush and toilet tissue...haha....and you shouldn't feel too bad about your job, think about the tissue....ya right!