by ed2006
大宝这星期上了个关于介绍飞机的夏令营, 报名前看广告吹的特好, 说要学飞机的基本飞行原理,构造, 带学员们做飞机模型, 参观实物等等, 虽说每天只有三个小时而且还只有四天, 俺还是狠狠心交了银子, 害得LD每天不辞辛苦地两头跑. 问题是上了两天后也不见大宝学什么,也没有带任何材料带回家, 问他呢, 他总说好玩开心, 再具体点就说不上来了. 直到今天他才把他做的一个飞机模型带回来了, 很简单的那种, 不过比他叠的纸飞机倒是飞的远多了. 晚上临睡前大宝突然对我说
Mami, do you know two brothers (Wright brothers) invented the airplane? They made the plane in
They are so great, they died already, right?
Yes, the first flight happened more than one hundred years ago.
Then, who invented the other airplanes?
我还没来得及回答, 大宝就自言自语地嘟囔到” may be three brothers like us.”, 随即转个身睡觉了. 呵呵, 那可是敢情好.