昨晚收到女儿的成绩单。女儿和我不约而同地把眼光投向“微积分”的那一栏。“It is a B for this semester!”女儿高兴地喊起来。
“Congratulations! See, working hard for the semester paid off, right? With this GPA, you have a much better chance for your dream college. Remember, the average GPA of those kids who went to your dream college is about 3.6-3.7 from your school. Last sememster, yours was 3.59,, now yours is above 3.8.”
去年夏天的Boston一行没有白费钱。参观校园让女儿有了自己的梦想。这一年,老爸就不用天天盯着她的学习了。最多是在她玩得得意忘形时,提醒她一下。这不,上次的ACT没有考好,需要重考,现在也不用老爸催了。这个夏天要忙着挣钱,打3份工,还要上一门法语课,只好天天挤时间来准备ACT考试了。当然,出人意料地是儿子也从去年的Boston一行有了收获,也知道哈佛,MIT了。现在更知道那两个学校的学费贵,用他的话, “need a lot of money”。昨天一进家门,老爸给他宣布:“We are going to a restaurent this Friday for dinner to celebrate your sister's achievement. ”
小人儿的第一反应是:“What achievement? Did she get a free ride for college?”