接女儿回家的路上,老爸问女儿:“What's going on? Seems you are going to continue this job.”
“Yes, They asked me to collect bugs for them in a specific area. You
know what, they are very happy with me, and paid me 10 dollars per
hour, the highest pay among my 3 jobs. Because they did not establish
my account in their department, they paid me with a personal check. I
don‘t have to pay social security even.”女儿一脸的兴奋。
“I guess they are also happy because you wrote down in detail about your working hours.”
“Yes. The guy just looked the sheet I recorded my time and immidiately wrote the check. I saved it into my bank account.”
“So now, you know how important a person's reutation is in job
searching. Because you wrote carefully about your time and the total
amount of time matches their estimation, they were happy to let you
continue the job. Remember record your time in the future when you go
to the field to collect bugs. You should outsource the job to your
brother--pay him 1 dollar per hour, and you can sit somewhere to watch
him, still getting 9 bucks an hour.” 老爸和女儿开玩笑呢。
“No way! He is going to mess up my bugs.”
“Look, this is a job need your skill you leanred last sememster in
biology class. That's why you get higher pay. The work in cornfield is
harder, but the pay is less. So you know the importance of education.
Don't forget your coming ACT test. Work hard on your test preparation
and college application, ok.” 老爸抓住机会,又唠叨开了。
“OK, ok, I know what to do.”