Aerosmith rocks Dubai

Gulf News Report

Dubai: Rock and roll band Aerosmith wowed the crowd at a sold out show at the Exiles Rugby ground on Friday.

The gig was the band's first ever in the Middle East.

Aerosmith members Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Tom Hamilton, Brad Whitford and Joey Kramer performed some of their well-known songs at the concert.

'Beautiful, insane'Tyler, famed for his raspy singing voice and cavernous mouth, described Dubai as the "Vegas of the East".

" It is beautiful, insane," he said."Yesterday I was out riding camels. Last night I was eating camels... and smoking a few," he continued in a lighter vein.

Hamilton was "amazed" to be in Dubai. "We've been together for a while and never dreamed we would be playing in the Middle East. There are countries all over the world that we thought were going to be off limits to rock music, so this is something we are experiencing for the first time."




从那儿以后对摇滚乐的喜爱便一发不可收,这是俺性格中反叛一面的具体表现吧. 昨天能那么近的与俺喜欢的摇滚歌星混在一起,很是激动,俺穿了件带红五星的绿军装,狠狠的痞了一晚上,真过瘾.三个小时闹腾下来,绝对减肥.


Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Cruisin` to a bar on the shore

Her picture graced a grime on the door

She a long lost love at first sight Baby,

maybe you're wrong but you know it's all right that's right

Back stage we're having the time Of our lives until somebody says

'Forgive me if I seem out of line'

Then she wheaved out a gunand tried to blow me away

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

So never judge a book by its cover

Or who you gonna love by your lover

Love put me wise to her love in disguise

She had the body of a venus Lord,

imagine my surprise

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Let me take a peak dea Do me, do me, do me all night

Turn the other cheek dear

Do me, do me, do me, do me

What a funky lady Oh, she like it,

like it, like it, like that

Oh, he was a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude looks like a lady

Dude, dude, dude, dude looks like a lady

Dude, dude, dude, dude looks like a lady

Dude, dude, dude, dude looks like a lady

Dude, dude, dude, dude looks like a lady
闲言 发表评论于
白瑞德 发表评论于
aircraft 发表评论于
xiao4ye 发表评论于
土村大家庭 发表评论于
六脉神剑 发表评论于
最近俺也喜欢上了摇滚,后来还去了更疯狂的hatebreed.有时候感觉心里有些东西,你就想通通发泄出来才过瘾,才可以MOVE ON.
云林 发表评论于

大毛笔 发表评论于

• Do you know that Rock Music is an art ?
• Do you know what is Art ?
• Then ask your Mama, she will tell you “Purpose, Individuality, Integrity, Innovation and Timelessness” --- Rock has them all.
• Do you know that nearly all of the US and European best selling albums of all time are still Rock Music?
• Do you know that Rock n’ Roll is the starting point of the evolution to the modern pop music and has inspired legions of pop artists thereafter ?
• Do you know that Hard Rock or Heavy Metal is just another style or genre within the overall form of rock music?
• Do you know that AEROSMITH is regarded as "America's Greatest Rock and Roll Band"?
• Do you know that AEROSMITH sustains high levels of popularity and success for the past of the 37 years and they are still going strong and active?
• Do you know that AEROSMITH sold 140 million albums worldwide, 65.5 million albums in the United States alone?
• Do you know that AEROSMITH also hold the record for the most gold, platinum, and multi-platinum albums by any American musical group ?
• Do you know that AEROSMITH has scored 27 Top 40 hits on multiple charts around the world, 9 times #1 Mainstream Rock hits, 4 Grammy Awards, and 10 MTV Awards ?
• Do you know that Rock Music is counterculture and is always associated with the wider sacred mission and a socially enlightenment progressive message?
• Of cause you don’t know why the rock music is so laud above 110db ?
• The great power of rock music by combining rhythms and sounds that make all the dumbheads like you to move, with lyrics and vocals that make you think and feel and helps you nerds to uncover your deeper, more authentic and more integrated inner selves.
• Do you know that rock music itself directly expresses this theme of liberation, of breaking free from the past, from spiritual, political and physical restraints, and pursuit of the promised truth of human life?
• Do you know that rock is the music with modern orchestration?
• Do you know that rock music is an expression of attitude and lifestyle, which sees no borders or ethnic identity?
• Do you know the influence of rock and roll is far-reaching, and has had significant impact worldwide on fashion, film styles?
• Does your Mama ever take you down to any Hard Rock Café ?
• Do you know that the “Born To Be Free” spirit of rock music is broad enough to be considered a lifestyle in addition to a form of music.
• Have you ever heard about the phenomenal worldwide charity events such as Live Aid ?.
• Did you Mama ever tell you that “毛主席领导的共产党解放了全中国”,but “Elvis Presley liberated our bodies, and Bob Dylan liberated our minds.” ?

你一定会象Elvis Presley 出道第一首歌的歌名那样高兴地对妈妈说:“That's All Right, Mama,”

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
阿兰 发表评论于

uh-oh 发表评论于
flysnow68 发表评论于
蓓0217 发表评论于
xiao4ye 发表评论于
Yes, do not smoke, do not drink, (except social), do not make-love, instead, have-sex since anything related to "love" is the main reason for damaging brain cells... haha.
酷宝宝 发表评论于
老土他炕上的 发表评论于
老土他炕上的 发表评论于
you are absolutely right,welcome back!
If you are told to be a good guy, not to smoke, not to drink, not to make love to a woman because there are thousands of reasons,what will you do?
xiao4ye 发表评论于
1. Do you know that rock music noise level is about 110 DB?
2. Do you know that your eardrum can be damaged at noise level of 85 DB?
3. Do you know if one enjoy rock music all the time, in general, he/she has 50% chance needing mental help?
4. Do you know rock music will only bring your mood from worse to worest, except during rocking, you appear that you are in another world, actually, mid-of-nowhere?
5. Do you know that most rock stars do not wash their hair daily, do not brush their teeth twice a day?
6. Do you know that at least 18% of rock fan have violence history?
7. Do you know that about 40% rcok fan have drinking problem?
8. Do you know that at least 62% young rock fan tried/used drug one time in their life?
9. Do you know that rock music can change people eating habit from human to animal?
10. Do you know that rock music can make women look alike men?
The list can go on and on.
Now enjoy your rock music, dear Tu lady, xixi.
土村大家庭 发表评论于
充满希望 发表评论于
冰儿, 打个商量, 咱们挤在一起坐好不好.
枫霜 发表评论于
ice3 发表评论于
能坐上土JJ的沙发~~ 可真不容易~~ 卡卡卡~ :)))